诚(誠)chénɡⅠ (真实的) sincere;honest: 他是 ~ 心 ~ 意地想帮助你。 He has a sincere desire to help you. Ⅱ (诚意) sincerity;earnestness: 开 ~ 布公 utter one's thoughts in sincerity and without reserve; 开~相见 meet others in sincerity Ⅲ [书] (实在;的确) really;actually;indeed: ~ 非易事 be by no means easy;~ 然不错 good indeed;~ 非所料。 It is really unexpected. ~ 如所言。 It is exactly as you said. ~ 有此事。 There actually was such a thing. ◆诚笃 sincere;cordial; 诚惶诚恐 with profound respect and humility;extremely afraid;in fear and trepidation;really afraid and trembling;struck with awe;with reverence and awe; 诚恳 sincere;earnest; 诚朴 honest;sincere and simple; 诚然 true;indeed;be sure; 诚实 honest; 诚实可靠 honest and dependable;honest and reliable; 诚心 sincere desire;wholeheartedness; 诚心诚意 make sth. a matter of conscience;earnestly and sincerely;from the bottom of one's [the] heart;in good earnest;with all one's heart;with heart and soul;with one's whole heart; 诚意 good faith;sincerity; 诚挚 sincere;cordial |