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单词 bind
bind/baɪnd/ v bound, bound /baʊnd/]; n

v (1) 绑,捆,缚 (tie or fasten eg with rope) [T+n T+n+prep(to), T+n+adv(together)]:~(up) the prisoner/the box with (a) rope 用绳子把囚犯/盒子捆(系)起来;be bound up in paper streamers 缠绕着彩纸带;~sb hand and foot 捆住某人手脚;(fig) 束缚某人;~sb's arms/sb's hands/the sticks/the sheaves of grain (together) 把手臂/手/棍子/谷物束捆起来(在一起);~sb to a tree/a post/a stake with (a) rope 用绳子把某人绑在树/柱子/桩上;His hands were bound behind a post/him.他双手被绑在了柱子上/身后。be bound to one's job (fig) 陷在工作之中(不得脱身); be bound by the magic of sb's voice (fig)被某人美妙的嗓音吸引住了;〖同〗fasten,tie;〖反〗untie,unbind,unfasten;

(2) 系,扎;包扎 (tie a band or strip of material round sth; bandage) [T+n T+n+adv(up)]:~(up) one's hair with (a) ribbon 用带子把头发扎起来;~(up)a wound/a cut with gauze (a bandage) 用纱布(绷带)把伤口/刀口包扎起来;The doctor bound up her leg with elastic bandage.大夫用弹性绷带把她的腿包扎起来。〖同〗wrap,bandage;〖反〗unbandage,unwrap;

(3) 装订 (enclose and fasten (sheets of papers) together between covers) [T+n T+n+prep (in)]:~a book/a magazine 把一本书/杂志装订起来;the volumes/books bound in leather 皮面的书卷/书;leather-/cloth-bound books皮/布面书;〖同〗cover,wrap;〖反〗uncover,unwrap;

(4) 绲(镶)边 (cover (the edge of sth) for added protection or decoration)[T+n T+n+prep (with)]:~the edge of a carpet/a floor mat 给地毯/铺地的垫子镶上边;~the cuffs of a jacket with leather 给夹克衫的袖口镶上皮边;~a seam with tape 用胶带把接缝包上;〖同〗border,edge,trim;

(5) (使)黏合(结) ((cause to) stick together in a solid mass) [I T+n T+n+adv (up/together)]:The snow doesn't~.雪不黏结。Clay~s when it is baked.烧烤时黏土会黏结。The flour mixture is wet enough to~properly. 这面粉糊够湿的,能黏合得很好。Frost/Ice~s the soil.霜冻/冰能使土壤黏结。~the mixture使混合物黏结;Some foods~the bowels/are~ing.有些食物使肠道秘结/造成便秘。~pieces of wood together with cement/glue用水泥/胶水把木片粘在一起;consider eggs a~ing food 认为鸡蛋是能使肠道秘结的食物;〖同〗stick,glue;

(6) 联合(结)(hold (people or things) together; unite)[T+n+prep (to),T+n+adv (together)](fig):Strong family ties~generation with generation.强有力的家族关系把一代代人联结在一起。be bound by the ties of matrimony由婚姻关系联结在一起;The friendship/feelings~him to her.友谊/感情把他和她连结在一起。The ideology~s members to the group. 这种思想把成员们联结在一起。Many things/Our common grief/Commerce~us together.许多东西/共同的忧伤/贸易使我们联结在一起。be bound together in peace在一起和平共处;〖同〗join,attach;

(7) 约束,使……保证…… (cause to obey by a duty or legal obligation)[T+n T+n+prep(to), C+n+to-inf]:(oath)~sb to secrecy (誓言)使某人答应保密; Centuries of tradition~people to their land. 数百年的传统使人们离不开他们的土地。Business kept him bound to the city. 经商使他一直离不开这个城市。~sb (oneself)by an agreement/an oath 使某人(自己)受协议/誓言的约束; be bound by one's promise/one's contract/one's good sense to obey the laws 受诺言/契约/良好的守法意识的约束;~an order with a deposit用押金保证定货;(contract)~sb (oneself) to pay a debt/to remain silent about sth/to complete the work within six months (合同)约束某人(自己)还债/对某事保持缄默/六个月内完成工作;〖同〗oblige,compel;〖反〗free,release;

→′binder n 装订者;活页封面;割捆机;粘合剂;′bindery n 书籍装订厂;′binding n 书的封面;镶边的织物;adj 有义务约束力的;

n 讨厌的事物(sth that causes a problem or difficulty)[U a~](infml):It is a (bit/hell of a) terrible~to have to cook your own meals.得自己做饭是件(有点/极其)讨厌的事。in a~进退维谷;be caught in a legal~惹上了法律方面的麻烦





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