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❶ (文学体裁的一种) poetry; verse; poem: 讽刺 ~ satiric poem [poetry]; 交响 ~ symphonic [tone] poem; 散文 ~ prose poem [poetry]; 田园 ~ idyll; pastoral poem [poetry]; 歪 ~ rubbish poems; inelegant verses; doggerel; 无韵 [自由] ~ blank [free] verse; 写 ~ write a poem; 欣赏 ~ appreciate a poem; 叙事 ~ narrative poem [poetry]; 你喜欢读 ~ 吗? Do you like to read poems ? 她的画中有 ~。 There is poetry in her paintings. 他善于作 ~。 He is good at verse.
❷ (指《诗经》) The Book of Songs
❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 索 Shi Suo
◆ 诗歌 poems and songs; poetry;
诗话 notes on poets and poetry; notes on classical poetry;
诗集 collection of poems; poetry anthology;
诗经 The Book of Songs;
诗句 verse; line;
诗剧 drama in verse; poetic drama;
诗礼传家 a family of scholars; a cultured family;
诗律 strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme for poetry;
诗篇 poem; inspiring story;
诗情画意 a quality suggestive of poetry or painting; idyllic; rich in [full of] poetic and artistic conception;
诗穷而后工 In poetry one gains depth after suffering.;
诗人 poet;
诗史 history of poetry; epic;
诗书门第 a scholarly family;
诗坛 poetic circles;
诗体 style of a verse, poem, etc.;
诗文 poetic prose;
诗兴 urge for poetic creation; poetic inspiration; poetic mood;
诗选 collection of poem; poetry anthology;
诗意 poetry; poetic quality or flavour;
诗韵 rhyme; rhyming dictionary;
诗章 poem; inspiring story;
诗中有画, 画中有诗 There is painting in his poetry, and poetry in his painting.; a poem replete with graphic description and a painting full of poetic grace

写~ write (or compose) poetry/吟~ recite poetry/打油~doggerel/古体~classical poetry/律~lüshi—classical poem of eight lines,each containing five or seven characters,with a strict tonal pattern and rhyme scheme(五言~poem with five characters to each of the eight lines;七言~ poem with seven characters to each of the eight lines)/情~love (or amorous)poem/散文~poem in prose/史~epic/十四行~sonnet/抒情~lyric poetry;lyrics/田园~idyll; pastoral poetry/无韵~blank verse/叙事~narrative poetry/有韵~rhymed verse/赞美~ hymn/自由~ free verse





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