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单词 table
table/teɪbl/ nvt [-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

n (1)台(桌)子(piece of furniture supported by one or more upright legs and having a flat horizontal surface)[C]:Put the books/the pens/the plates on the~. 把书/钢笔/盘子放在桌子上。lay/set the~摆餐桌;a writing-/ dressing-/ billiard-/ bedside-/display/tea/dining-~写字台/梳妆台/台球桌/床头柜/展台/茶桌/餐桌;an operating-~手术台;~salt/wine 食盐/餐酒;~sets/manners/tennis/radios/lamps /napkins /flap成套餐具/餐桌礼节/乒乓球运动/有台座的收音机/台灯/餐巾/折叠桌的折板;Chairs,~s,etc are pieces of furniture. 桌椅等都是家具。drink sb under the~喝得比别人多,但不如别人醉;lay/put one's cards on the~开诚布公;turn thes (on sb) 扭转劣势;

(2)(饭)菜,菜肴(food as served on a table)[Ua~]:keep a good/bountiful~常备有美味佳肴/充足的饭菜;an excellent~丰盛的菜肴;choose sth from the cold~从冷盘中挑些东西吃;wait at~侍候人吃饭;〖同〗board;

(3)(用饭的)同桌人(group of people sitting at a table as for a mealetc)[CGp]:Our~all want white wine. 我们一桌人都要白葡萄酒。 The whole~heard what he said. 一桌人都听到了他说的话。(sb's jokes)amuse the whole~ (某人的笑话)使全桌人都笑了; (John's clever stories)kept the whole~amused (约翰讲的故事)使全桌人笑个不止;the~in the rear 后面那桌人;a~of card-players 一桌玩牌的人;

(4)目录表,一览表(list of information or figures arranged in lines and columns)[C]:a~of contents 目录表;six times/a multiplication~ 6的乘法表/乘法表;log/statistical~s 对数表/统计表;

at table 吃饭(时):He's at~. 他在吃饭。

on the table 供讨论(考虑)(BrE);(议案等)被搁置(AmE):put several new suggestions on the~提出几项新建议供讨论;The bill was laid on the~owing to their objection. 由于他们反对,该议案被搁置起来。

under the table 私下付给(贿赂):She gave money under the~to get the apartment. 为了得到那套房子,她私下送钱(给有关人员)。

→′table-cloth n 桌布;′table-knife n 餐刀;′table-linen n 餐桌用布;′table-mat n 碗垫;′table-spoon n 大汤匙;′table-spoonful n 一汤匙的量;′table-talk n 吃饭时的闲聊;′tableware n 餐具;

vt (1)列成表(make into a table or list)[T+n]:~the times of arrival 把到达时间列成表;The results of the experiment are~d at the back of the book. 书后列表给出实验结果。

(2)将……列入议程(suggest or propose for discussion at a meeting)[T+n](BrE):The Opposition have~d several amendments to the bill. 反对党对议案提出了几项修正。 The government has~d a motion. 政府把一项动议列入了议程。

(3)推迟,搁置(postpone consideration of)[T+n](尤AmE):~a piece of legislation/the proposal 推迟一项法规/那个计划;〖同〗postpone;〖反〗continue;

【注意】table 为集合名词时(见(3)),作主语时谓语动词数的使用参见AUDIENCE。





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