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单词 system
system/′sɪstǝm/ n

(1)体制,制度(socialeconomic or political organizational form)[C]:a new~of elections/government 新的选举制度/政体;the democratic~of government 民主政府;The full parliamentary~was introduced. 全面议会制被提出。It had given France a~of weights and measures. 这使法国有了度量衡制度。We mustn't upset the~! 我们绝不要推翻现行制度!

(2)系统(group of interrelated elements forming a collective or complex whole)[C]:a railway/road/postal~铁路/公路/邮政系统;the nervous/digestive/circulatory~神经/消化/循环系统;a telephone/transport~电话/运输网络;a stereo/speaker~立体音响/扬声设备;a new~of electronics 新型电子设备;transmission~of an automobile 汽车传动系统;solar~太阳系;take over/test a new production (control)~接管/测试新的生产(控制)系统;Music lovers appreciate a good hi-fi~. 音乐爱好者喜欢高保真音响设备。They oppress the masses also by their control of the political and judicial~s.他们还依仗对政治和司法体系的控制来压迫群众。〖同〗organization,unit,structure,set-up;

(3)全身,身体(human body regarded as a functional physiological unit)[C]:Too much alcohol is not good for the~. 过量饮酒对身体有害。His~was greatly weakened by his long illness. 长期患病使他的身体非常虚弱。Don't wreck your~by overwork and lack of sleep. 不要因工作过度和缺乏睡眠损伤你的身体。~s analysis 术前身体状况分析;~s analyst 术前手术分析专家;〖同〗constitution,body,organism;

(4)体系(ordered and comprehensive assemblage of factsprinciples in a particular field)[C]:a~of philosophy 哲学体系;the Copernican~哥白尼学说体系;The~underlying modern physics is not fully worked out. 构成现代物理学的体系还没有完全形成。〖同〗theory;

(5)方法,计划(method of scheme of classification)[C]:the~of selecting national servicemen 挑选国民军人的方法;a special~for improving production/washing dishes/provid-ing information/winning money on horse races 提高生产/洗刷碟子/提供信息/赛马赢钱的特殊方法;The new~of teaching languages/foolproof~for winning at roulette works well. 新的语言教学法/简单易行的转盘赌很见成效。Does the new clerk understand the filing~? 新职员知道文件归档的方法吗?〖同〗method,procedure,arrangement,scheme,program,routine;

(6)条理,规律(set of related rulesprinciplesprocedures)[U]:I find that her working methods lack~. 我发现她的工作方法缺乏条理性。You mustn't expect good results if you work without~. 如果工作没有条理就绝不能指望有好的结果。

get sth out of one's system 渲泄,消解(强烈的情感):She desperately hopes to become a pop singer,so we'll have to give her time to get it out of her~. 她极其希望成为一名流行歌手,所以我们要给她时间消解这种情绪。

→͵syste′matic adj 系统化的;͵syste′matically adv 有秩序地;′systematize,-ise v 使成体系;͵systemati′zation,-′sation n 系统化;sys′temic adj 全身的;sys′temically adv 全身地





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