释义 |
诉(訴);[愬]sù ❶ (说给人) tell; relate; inform: 告 ~ tell ❷ (倾吐) complain; accuse: 倾 ~ pour out (one's feelings, troubles, etc.); unbosom [unburden] oneself of; 控 ~ accuse; ~ 衷情 open one's heart to ❸ (控告) appeal to; resort to: 上 ~ appeal to a higher court; 反 ~ countercharge; counterclaim ◆诉苦 vent one's grievances; air one's grievance; pour out one's woes; 诉说 tell; relate; recount; narrate; 诉讼 {律} lawsuit; litigation; legal action; judicial action; action; 诉讼法 procedural law; 诉讼费 legal cost; costs; 诉讼权 litigation rights; 诉讼时效 prescription; 诉冤 inform; 诉诸 resort to; appeal to; 诉状 {律} plaint; indictment |