访(訪)fǎnɡ ❶ (访问) call on;interview;visit:拜 ~ pay a visit;call on; 来 ~ come to visit [call];~ 友 call on a friend; 互 ~ exchange visits ❷ (调查;寻求) inquiry into;seek by inquiry [search];try to get:采 ~ gather material;cover;interview; 明察暗 ~ conduct a thorough investigation;~ 求民间丹方 search for folk remedies ◆访查 go about making inquiries;investigate; 访管 supervisor call (SVC); 访客簿 visiting book; 访贫问苦 visit the poor and the suffering;go to see the poor and ask about their past bitterness;inquire of the poor about their past sufferings; 访求 seek;search for; 访谈(录) interview; 访问 visit;call on;interview;access;addressing;reference to; 访问学者 visiting scholar; 访友求贤 call on friends and seek for worthies |