设(設)shèⅠ ❶ (设立; 布置) set up; establish; found: ~ 下天罗地网 spread a dragnet; ~ 一所学校 establish a school; 总公司 ~ 在大连 set up the head office in Dalian; 部下面 ~ 6个司。Under the ministry there are six departments. 我们这个市, 下面 ~ 10个区。Our municipality is divided into ten districts. 指挥部 ~ 在前沿阵地上。 The command post was set up in a forward position. ❷ (筹划) work out : ~ 计陷害 plot a frame-up; frame; ~ 了个圈套 set a trap ❸ {数} (假设) given; suppose; if: ~ x = 1 Given: x = 1; ~ x 等于 y。 Let x be the equal of y. ~ 长方形的宽是 x 米。Suppose the width of a rectangle is x metres. Ⅱ [书] (假如; 倘若) if ; in case: ~ 有困难, 当助一臂之力。You can count on me to help in case of difficulty. Ⅲ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 昌 She Chang ◆设备 equipment; device; facility; implementor; apparatus; installation; appointment; furnishing; setout; attachment; equipage; 设备更新 renewal of equipment; 设备综合效率 comprehensive effectiveness of equipment; 设法 think of a way; try; do what one can; 设防 set up defences; fortify; garrison; 设岗放哨 post [station] a sentinel; 设计 devise; project; plan; design; excogitation; layout; layout work; styling; 设计自动化 design automation; 设立 establish; set up; found; 设若 [书] if; suppose; provided; 设色 fill in colours on a sketch; lay paint on (canvas); colour; 设身处地 place oneself in others' position; judge of others as we should if we were in their place; look at sth. from the angle of others; put oneself in another's place; put oneself in sb. else's position; put oneself in the place of others; 设施 installation; facilities; 设想 imagine; envisage; conceive; assume; tentative plan; tentative idea; have consideration for; 设宴 give a banquet; fête; 设营 {军} quartering; encampment; 设置 set up; put up; install; fit |