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单词 lady
释义 lady /'leidi; 'ledi/ n (pl -dies) 1 (corresponding to gentleman) woman belonging to the upper classes; woman who has good manners and some claim to social position. (与绅士相对)贵姉; 淑女; 有敎养和社会地位的由女。 I ~- in-'waiting, , ~ of the 'bedchamber, ~ attending upon a queen. 宫女。 2 (used courteously for any) woman of any kind or class, with or without good manners and refinement. 女土(对所有妇女的客气称呼,不论其身份或是否和敎养)。 3 (pl only) form of address, (仅用复数)斩呼的套语,esp (尤用于) ,Ladies and Gentlemen'. 诸位先生和女士'。 4 (attrib) female: (形容用法)女性而: ~ doctor/clerk, (woman being preferable). 女海生(职 H) (woman 较普通)。 5 Ladies (as a sing n), women's public lavatory: (作单数名词)女厕所; 女盥洗室: Is there a Ladies near here? 这附近有女厕所鸣? 6 L~, (title in GB) used of and to the wives of some nobles; (prefixed to Christian names) titles used of and to the daughters of some nobles. (英)夫人(对某些贵族之妻子之算称); (冠于敎名前)小姐(对某些贵族之女儿的尊称)。 7 My 上~, formal term of address used to holders of the title Lady (as in 6 above 夫人; 小姐(对贵族的妻女的尊称)。 8 (compounds) (复合字) , ~ bird n reddish-brown or yellow insect (a small flying beetle) with black spots. 瓢虫(一种红褐色或黄色会飞的小甲虫,身上有黑点)。 .Our 1 ~, the Virgin Mary. 圣母马可 J 亚。 'L~-chapel, chapel (in a large church) dedicated to the Virgin Mary. (大敎堂中之)圣母堂。 'L~ Day, the feast of the Annunciation, 25th March. 报喜节(三月二十五日)。 '~killer n man with the reputation of being very successful with women. 很会吸引妇女的男人。 , ~ 's-niaid n ~ 's personal servant, esp in charge of her toilet. 侍女; (尤指)専管女主人化妆的女仆。 ,s/'ladies, man, man fond of the society of women. 喜欢与妇女麦际的男人。 '~like adj behaving as a ~; befitting a ~; genteel. 行为似贵妇的; 淑雅的。 '~ship /-/ip; -/lp/ n Your/Her L~ ship, used in speaking to or of a titled ~. 夫人; 小姐(对有 Lady 头街之妇女的尊称, 当面称 Your Ladyship, 谈话中提及称 Her Ladyship).




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