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单词 swing
swing/swɪ ŋ/ v swungswung/swʌŋ/]; n

v (1)(使)摆(荡,摇)动((cause to) move back and forth suspended or as if suspended from above)[II+prepI+advT+nT+n+prep]:The pendulum stopped~ing. 钟摆停止摆动。The hammock swung as he moved his body. 当他移动身子时吊床来回摆动。The lamp swung in the breeze. 灯在微风中晃动。The children were~ing on a rope/~hanging from a tree. 孩子们正在从树上吊下的绳子/秋千上荡来荡去。The little girl swung higher and higher when her brother pushed her. 随着哥哥的推动,小女孩越荡越高。The pendulum~s slowly to and fro. 钟摆慢慢地左右摆动。The soldiers swung their arms as they marched. 士兵行进时摆动他们的手臂。~one's keys on a chain摇动钥匙链上的钥匙;〖同〗rock;

(2)(使)转动,挥舞(抡动)((cause to) turn in place or on hinges;move with a sweeping motion)[I+prepI+advT+nT+n+prepT+n+advC+n+adj]:shutters~ing转动的百叶窗;The batter swung at the ball,but missed. 击球手击球,但是没击中。The door was~ing on its hinges. 门在铰链上转动。(door)~shut/open/back(门)关上/打开/转回来了;~over to the curb急速转向路边;~a shutter/a stick 转动百叶窗/挥舞棍棒;~the golf club/the sword around one's head在头顶上挥动高尔夫球棒/宝剑;~the car into another lane of traffic将车转入另一条车道;They are hoping to~the voters in their favour.(fig)他们希望使选民转向他们一边。He swung the pouch over his shoulder/on to his back. 他一下子把口袋扛在肩膀上/拎起来放在后背上。~the door shut/open把门关上/打开;

(3)(使)纵身一跃(get downetc from sth by holding on with one's hand(s) and swinging one's body)[I+prepI+advT+n+prepT+n+adv]:~over the wall 纵身越墙;The monkey swung (along) from branch to branch. 猴子从一条树枝荡到另一条树枝。~(oneself) down (from sth)(从某处)纵身跃下;~oneself (up) into the saddle/the driver's seat 纵身跨上马鞍/跳进驾驶舱座;

(4)轻松有节奏地走(walk with a longrelaxedbut fast stride)[I+prepI+adv]:The sailors came~ing down the street towards their ship. 水手们沿街朝着他们的船大步走来。He swung gaily/happily along the road. 他沿着马路轻松/愉快地走去。

(5)突然转身(turn round suddenly)[I+prepI+adv (around/round)]:The car swung towards the side of the road. 汽车急转车身朝路边开去。He swung round and stared at/faced his accusers. 他突然转过身来瞪着/面对他的指控人。He swung round on his heels and walked out. 他急转脚跟走了出去。〖同〗turn,whirl;

(6)(使)(情绪、见解等)突然转变((cause to) change from one opinion or position to another)[I+prep (from,to),I+advT+n+prep (from,to),T+n+adv]:~to a conservative viewpoint 突然转变为保守观点;(sb)~from happiness to tears(某人)高兴得流下眼泪;Opinions swung in his favour. 舆论变得对他有利。The price of gold swung sharply/downwards as the news came in each day. 随着每日消息的传来,金价急剧变化/下跌。~sb to one's outlook使某人改变为自己的观点;The mayor tried to~public opinions in favour of his plan. 市长设法让公众舆论支持他的计划。~sb round to one's point of view使某人突然转向本人观点;〖同〗influence,decide,determine,move;

(7)快速行动(start quickly)[I+prep (into)]:Our troops swung into action/battle without halting. 我们的部队迅速地采取行动/投入战斗。

(8)具有强劲的节奏(have a compelling rhythm)[I]:write music that really~s 写出确实有强劲节奏的音乐;

(9)成功地做到(manage successfully)[T+n](infml):~a business deal/the votes成功地得到一笔买卖/选票;Can you~us an invitation to the party? 你能想办法使我们也能接到邀请参加宴会吗?〖同〗manage,handle;

(10)被处绞刑(be hanged as punishment)[I+prep (for)](infml):You'll~for this/the crime. 由于此事/犯罪你将被处以绞刑。S~the plants from the wooden beams. 把这些植物悬在木梁上。~for sb 绞死某人;〖同〗hang,suspend,drop;

n(1)摆(晃)动,挥舞(act or manner of swinging)[C]:the~of a ship/a kilt/a pendulum/a pointer/a needle 船/短裙/钟摆/指针/磁针的摆动;the~of sb's hips/sb's arms 某人臀部的扭动/双臂的摆动;with a~of one's arms 手臂一摆;The golfer takes a~at the ball. 高尔夫球运动员挥杆击球。bring the axe down with a~挥臂将斧头向下劈去;Most golfers would like to improve their~(s). 大多数打高尔夫球的人都想改进他们的挥杆方式。One~of the axe was enough to fell the tree. 一斧子劈下去就足以将树砍倒。the~of the pendulum钟摆的摆动;舆论的巨变;政党间的交替执政;〖同〗rolling,sweep,stroke;

(2)(荡)秋千 (ride on a swing;seat suspend-ed from aboveon which one may ride back and forth for enjoyment)[C]:have a~荡一会儿秋千;give the children a~让孩子们荡秋千;The children swung backwards and forwards on their~. 孩子们在秋千上荡来荡去。

(3)强劲的节奏(动作)(steadymarked rhythm or movement)[Ua~]:music that goes with a~(to it)富有强劲节奏的音乐;walk down the street with a~步伐有力而又有节奏地沿街走去;The music should be played with a~. 这乐曲应演奏得强劲而富于节奏。Everyone was feeling happy,and the party went with a~. 人人都感到高兴,所以晚会搞得很成功。

(4)自由行事的权利(freedom of movement or action)[U]:give full~in operating the business/the management全面授权进行生意运营/管理;The foreman has full~to do as he pleases. 工头有充分的权利为所欲为。〖同〗liberty,license,freedom;sweep;

(5)摆程,变动幅度(amount or extent of swinging)[C]:a wide~变动幅度宽;

(6)爵士乐(form of popular dance music based on jazz)[U]:~dancing爵士舞;

(7)剧变(逆转)(big change in public opinionetc)[C]:a~in prices/public opinions 价格的波动/公众舆论的逆转;There was a big~away from the government in the northern counties. 在北部各县出现了对政府信任的强烈逆转。~s and roundabouts 有得也有失的情况;

get into the swing of (infml)逐渐习惯,熟悉:It's not easy work,but when you get into the~of it you should be able to do it quite quickly. 这并非易事,但是当你入了门,你做起来就会得心应手。

in full swing 活跃,全面展开:The fete was in full~when the storm came. 游园会热烈地进行着,这时暴风雨骤起。






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