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❶ (把印象保持在脑子里) remember;bear in mind;commit to memory: ~ 不清 cannot recall exactly;remember only vaguely;~ 错了 remember wrongly;
死 ~ 硬背 learn by rote;
我将牢 ~ 你的忠告。 I'll bear your advice in mind. 我们要 ~ 住这个教训。 We must keep this lesson in mind.
❷ (记录;记载;登记) write [jot,take] down;record: 把结果 ~下来 record the results;~ 笔记 take notes;~ 日记 keep a diary;~ 下地址 write down the address;~ 下电话号码 jot down the telephone number;~ 在笔记本上 write it down in a notebook Ⅱ ❶ (记载、描写事物的书或文章) notes;record: 大事 ~ a chronicle of events;
游 ~ travel notes
❷ (标志;符号) mark;sign: 暗 ~ 儿 secret mark
❸ (皮肤上生下来就有的深色的斑) birthmark: 他左腿有块 ~。 There is a birthmark on his left leg. Ⅲ [方] (用于动作的次数) slap: 一 ~ 耳光 a slap in the face
◆记步器 steps-teller;
记仇 bear grudges;harbour bitter resentment;
记得 remember;recall;call back to mind;keep in memory;
记发器 {电} register;
记法 symbolism;notation;designation;
记分 keep the score;record the points (in a game);register a student's marks;record workpoints; 记分牌 scoreboard;score indicator;
记工 record workpoints (earned by a commune member);
记功 cite sb. for meritorious service;record a merit;
记挂 [方] be concerned about;keep thinking about;miss; 记过 record a demerit;
记号 mark;sign;tick;designation;symbolism;marking;sentinel;notation;{计} character;spot mark;token;
记恨 bear grudges;
记[纪]录 take notes;keep the minutes;record;write down;log;enter;read-in;minutes;notes;record;record;notetaker;recorder;
记录笔 recorder pen;recording pen;recording stylus;register pen;
记录带 recording strip;recording tape;
记[纪]录片 documentary film;documentary;
记录器 describer;documentor;enregistor;inscriber;logger;recorder;recorder apparatus;register;transcriptor;
记录在案 be put on rccord;be a matter of record;go [place] on record;
记录针 recording needle;stylos;stylus;
记录纸 log sheet;record paper;record sheet;recording paper;
记录装置 recording device;recording equipment;recording medium;recording system;recording unit;grapher;register;recorder;
记名 put down one's name (on a check,etc. to indicate responsibility or claim);sign;
记名式背书 special endorement;
记名式单据 special negotiable instrument;
记谱法 {音} musical notation;
记起 recall;recollect;
记取 remember;bear in mind;
记圈卡 lap scoring card;
记圈员 lap scorer;
记人之过,忘人之恩 remember every (little) fault somebody may have and forget even a great mercy done by him;
记入 {计} inscription;write;log;post;
记时 timing;time indices;
记实戏剧 docudrama;
记实小说 document novel;
记事 keep a record of events;make a memorandum;account;record of events;chronicles;
记事调用卡片 agendum call card;
记事儿 (of a child) begin to remember things;
记述 record and narrate;give an account of;
记数法 {数} number scale;scale of notation;system of notation;system of numeration;notation;
记数机构 counter mechanism;
记数器 register;
记数系统 notation system;numeration system;number representation system;
记诵 (默记背诵;熟读) commit to memory and be able to recite;learn by heart;
记算单位 unit of account;
记性 memory;
记叙 narrate;
记压器 pressure-recorder;pressure register;
记忆 remember;recall;memory;{自} storage;
记忆力 the faculty of memory;memory;
记忆犹新 be still fresh [green] in one's memory [mind;memories];be still very much alive in one's memory;be still vivid in one's memory;
记载 put down in writing;record record;account;
记账 keep accounts;keep books;billing;tale;charge to an account;enter an item in an account;
记者 reporter;correspondent;newsman;journalist;
记者招待会 press conference;
记者证 press card; 记住 remember;learn by heart;bear in mind;commit to memory


records; memorandum





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