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单词 swim
swim/swɪm/ v swam/swæm/,swum/swʌm/; -mm-]; n

v (1)游泳(水)(move in water by using the limbsfinstailetc)[II+prepI+adv]:go~ming去游泳;A water snake~s by moving its body from side to side. 水蛇靠身体左右摆动来游水。They fished and swam the rest of time. 在其余时间他们钓鱼和游泳。He was~ming on his back/his chest/his side. 他正在进行仰/蛙/侧泳。We shall have to~across the river/into the cave. 我们必须要游过河/进洞里。~underwater/upstream/across/ashore 在潜水/向上游游/从一边游至另一边/游到岸边;The little ducks were~ming about in the pond. 小鸭子正在池塘中游来游去。~ming team游泳队;~ming-pool/bath游泳池/室内游泳池;~ming-costume/trunks游泳衣/裤;

(2)游泳时采取某姿势(perform a particular stroke in swimming)[T+n]:~breast-stroke/back-stroke/crawl 游蛙/仰/自由泳;

(3)游过(某河流、距离),参加游泳赛(cross (a river), cover (a distance), compete in (a race) by swimming)[T+nT+n+prep]:John has swum two races/four lengths of the~ming baths/700 miles (in 41 hours)/Channel. 约翰参加了两项游泳比赛/在游泳池游了四圈/(41小时)游了700英里/游过了英吉利海峡。

(4)使游过(cause to swim or float on or across water)[无passT+n+prepT+n+adv]:The master swam his horse across the river. 主人让马凫水过河。He swam the boy across,holding his head up. 他托着孩子的头游过河去。

(5)浸(泡),充溢(be covered or flooded with water or other liquid) [II+prep (in/with)][通常prog]:The child's eyes swam(with tears). 孩子眼泪汪汪的。The basement swam from the leak. 由于漏水地下室泡汤了。The deck was~ming with water. 甲板泡在水里了。The ham was~ming in gravy. 火腿浸泡在肉卤中。meat~ming with grease/in fat 浸在油脂/脂肪里面的肉;

(6)(仿佛)旋转,(头)发晕(seem to be moving round and roundas a result of dizzinessblurred visionetc)[II+prep]:a jolt that caused the scenery to~ 使舞台布景仿佛旋转的震动;The classroom was~ming. 教室仿佛在旋转。All this confusion makes my head~. 这一片慌乱使我头发晕。Everything swam before his eyes/around him. 每一件东西似乎都在他眼前/周围晃动。(head/brain)~from the blow/at the complexity of the calculations (头/脑子)由于重击/复杂的计算发晕;

swim with the tide 顺应潮流;随波逐流:These days she is just~ming with the tide,relaxing and letting things happen. 近些天来,她只是随波逐流,放松自己,不去考虑发生了什么事情。

→′swimming n 游泳运动;′swimmer n 游泳者;

n 游泳(actinstance or period of swimming)[C,通常sing]:go for a~去游泳;My hair's wet because I've just had a~. 我的头发湿了,因为我刚游过泳。Amy only had three~s this summer. 今年夏天艾米只游过三次泳。Angus had a~or a fencing lesson daily. 安格斯每天上一节游泳课或者击剑课。She completed the first Bahamas to Florida~,a 60 mile course,in 27 hours and 38 minutes. 她以27小时38分的成绩完成了全程为60英里的第一届巴哈马至佛罗里达游泳比赛。

in the swim 合潮流,识时务,积极参加社交活动(infml):At my age I thought my international career was over. So you can appreciate just how thankful I am to be back in the~. 像我这把年纪,我以为我的外交生涯算是结束了,所以你可以看得出我又回到社交活动中来是何等欣慰。

【说明】out of the swim 是in the swim的反义词组,意为不了解现时的潮流,不积极参加社交活动(infml)。





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