议(議)yìⅠ (意见; 言论) opinion; view: 倡 ~ initiate; advocate; 提 ~ propose; move; 异 ~ disagreement; dissident view; dissenting opinion Ⅱ (商议) discuss; exchange views on; talk over: 自报公 ~ make the self-assessment and be put to the public for discussion; 我们对各种方案都 ~ 了 ~。 We exchanged views on each of the different proposals. ◆议案 proposal; motion; bill; recommendation; 议程 agenda; 议定 agreed; 议定书 protocol; 议付 negotia ̄ tion; 议和 negotiate peace; make peace; conduct [carry out] peace negotiations; 议会 [英] parliament; [美] congress; [德] Reichstag; [日] Diet; [法] legislative assembly; 议[国]会大厦 parliament house; 议会制 parliamentarism; parliamentary system; 议价 negotiate a price; negotiated price; negotiated buying price; 议决 resolve after deliberation; pass a resolution; 议论 comment; talk; discuss; speak at great length; 议论纷纷 There were many discussions (and much conflict of opinion).; discuss animatedly; give rise to much discussion; 议论文 argumentative writing; argumentation; 议事 discuss official business; 议题 subject under discussion; topic for discussion; 议席 seat in legislative assembly; 议员 member of a legislative assembly; assemblyman; parliamentarian; [英] Member of Parliament (MP); [美] Congress ̄ man or Congresswoman; [日] dietman; 议院 legislative assembly; parliament; congress; 议长 speaker (of a legislative body); president |