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单词 sweet
sweet/swi:t/ adj [-er/-est]; n

adj (1)甜的(having a sugar taste or sugar in sth):~apples/biscuits/drinks 甜苹果/饼干/饮料;~fruit/tea 甜水果/放了糖的茶;as~as honey 像蜜一样甜;Do you prefer~wines to dry wines?你喜欢甜葡萄酒还是干葡萄酒?Do you like your coffee~?你喜欢在咖啡里放糖吗?~-tasting oranges 甜味橘;have a~tooth爱吃甜食;〖同〗sweet-tasting;〖反〗sour,acid,bitter,nasty;

(2)气味宜人的(pleasant in smell):gardens~with the scent of thyme 飘散着百里香芬芳的花园;The roses smell~. 玫瑰花闻上去芳香宜人。A~fragrance rose from the wild grasses. 野草中散发着清香。The evening air was~with the smell of honeysuckle. 傍晚的空气里传来忍冬花甜润的香气。The handsomest flower is not the~est. 最艳丽的花并不是最香的花。~-smelling rose 香气宜人的玫瑰;〖同〗fresh;〖反〗stale;

(3)新鲜(纯美)的;不咸的(fresh;not salty):~milk/water鲜奶/甘美的水;~peppers/carrots 新鲜的辣椒/胡萝卜;the~air of the countryside 乡间的新鲜空气;These peas are~and tender. 这些豌豆又鲜又嫩。John likes~butter better than salted. 约翰更喜欢淡味黄油,不太喜欢咸味的。Ice helps to keep food~. 冰可以使食物保鲜。There's a~spring only a hundred yards inland from the shore. 在离海岸100码的内陆有一股甘泉。〖同〗nonsalt,fresh;〖反〗salt,salty,salted;stale,sour;

(4)悦耳的(delightful to hear):the~song of the blackbird/the nightingale黑鸫/夜莺悦耳的歌声;How~the music sounds! 这音乐听起来是多么悦耳! How~the sound is! 这声音是多么美妙!The soprano has a~voice. 女高音歌唱演员有一副好嗓子。〖同〗pleasing,silver-toned,mellow,smooth;〖反〗displeasing;

(5)令人满意的(pleasing to the sensesfeelings or mind):the~feeling of freedom/success 获得自由/成功的愉悦;the~smell of success令人满意的成功气息;

(6)漂亮(可爱)的(pleasant to look at)(infml):You look very~in your picture. 照片上的你看上去非常漂亮。She has a~face/smile/gesture. 她有一张漂亮的脸/她笑容可掬/她的姿势优雅。Isn't the baby/little poodle/cottage~! 这个小孩/小卷毛狗/小屋真可爱!

(7)温柔(和蔼)的(gentle and charming)(infml): a~girl/old lady 讨人喜欢的女孩/老太太; a~temper/nature/disposition温和的脾气/性格/性情;such a~-tempered/~-natured girl如此温顺/温柔的女孩;That's awfully~of you,but I shall manage all right by myself. 你心肠真是太好了,不过我自己会处理好的。It was~of you to send me a birthday present. 你为我送来生日礼物太好心了。The Jacksons are~people. 杰克逊一家是好心人。I think you're~on that girl you were talking to. 我认为你爱上了与你谈话的女孩。〖同〗attractive,agreeable,nice,pleasant,good-natured,dear,kind,lovable;〖反〗disagreeable,unpleasant,unattractive,nasty,ill-natured,unlovable;

keep sb sweet (infml)讨好某人:He has to keep his boss~because he wants to be promoted. 他只得讨好老板,因为他想提升。

sweet nothings (infml or joc)悄悄话:They're whispering~nothings. 他们在说悄悄话。

at one's own sweet will随心所欲地:He comes and goes at his own~will. 他想来就来,想走就走。

→′sweetish adj 过甜的;′sweetness n 甜;′sweeten v使变甜;

n(1)糖(果)(thing that one eats for pleasure and not as food)[C,常pl](=AmE candy):The meal was over;he gave the child a~. 吃完饭他给了孩子一块糖。He bought a packet of boiled~s. 他买了一盒硬糖。You may not suck~s in school. 在学校不可以吃糖果。a~shop糖果店;〖同〗candy,dessert;

(2)甜食(sth sweet served as dessertpudding)[CU]:have some more~再来点甜食;The meat course at dinner is followed by a~,usually a pudding,or stewed fruit. 晚餐肉菜过后上甜食,通常是布丁或者是炖水果。That~consists of eggs,honey and cream/ice-cream with chocolate sauce. 那道甜食包括鸡蛋、蜂蜜和奶油/巧克力风味的冰激凌。I don't want any~.我不喜欢任何甜食。

(3)快乐,乐趣(sth pleasant to the mind or feeling)[pl]:taste the~s of success/freedom尝到成功/自由的甜头;He enjoys the~s of victory. 他享受着成功的喜悦。

(4)心爱的人(dear or beloved person)[C]:Yes/Hello,my~. 是啊/你好,我的小亲亲。





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