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单词 sweep
sweep/swi:p/ v sweptswept/swept/]; n

v (1)打(清)扫(get rid of by sweeping)[IT+nT+n+prep (from/off/into),T+n+adv (away/up)]:~in here 在这里打扫;~snow 清理积雪;~the crumbs under the carpet 把地毯下边的碎屑扫出来;~the dust from the carpet/off the table清理地毯/桌上的尘土;~away bits of paper 扫走纸屑;~up the leaves/the mess/the litter 把树叶/脏东西/杂乱的东西扫到一起;Did you~up all the broken glasses? 你把碎玻璃片清理干净了吗?〖同〗gather;

(2)扫(清理)(clean a roometc or the surface of sth using a brush or broom)[T+nT+n+adv (out),C+n+adj]:~the carpet/the floor/the yard 清扫地毯/地板/庭院;~out the porch 打扫门廊;~the chimney (free of soot)清理烟囱(使没有烟灰);The room/kitchen/stairs has (have) been swept clean. 房间/厨房/楼梯已经扫干净。~the country/the sea of the enemy mines (fig) 席卷全国/排除敌人的大量地雷;

(3)像扫地一样吹(刮,冲,推)(move sth as though with a brush)[T+n+prepT+n+adv]:He swept the crumbs off the table/the papers into the case/the guests into the sitting room. 他拂去桌上的碎屑/把文件清理进盒子/把客人让进起居室。He swept the students along with his enthusiasm.(fig) 他以自己的热情使学生们倾倒。The wind swept the leaves from the sidewalk. 风刮走了便道上的树叶。The waves swept the people off their feet. 海浪使人们站不稳。The current swept the log along. 水流把木头冲向下游。The wave swept the man overboard. 浪头把人打下船去。Don't get swept away by the idea!(fig)不要对那个想法过于热情!She swept aside my objections.(fig) 她对我的反对意见置若罔闻。

(4)扫(掠)过((cause to) move quickly (acrossetc))[I+prepI+advT+n]:(plane)~across the sky(飞机)从天空掠过;High wind swept along the street/across the desert/through the trees in the mountain. 大风从大街刮过/刮过沙漠/扫过山林。The winner swept past the finish line. 获胜者冲过终点线。The car swept past the house. 汽车冲过那座房子。The pirates swept down on the town. 海盗很快来到镇上。The fire/storm was~ing the village. 大火在这个村庄迅速蔓延/狂风席卷这个村庄。The disease/craze/rumour was~ing the village. 疾病/狂热/谣言在这个村庄迅速传播开来。The whole country was swept by an unprecedented wave of new strikes and demonstrations/anger and indignation. 一次前所未有的罢工示威/怒潮席卷全国。〖同〗race,dash,rush,hurry,charge,fly,tear;

(5)扫视(direct (the eyesgaze) over)[T+n]:His eyes swept the room/the sky/the distance. 他的目光环(扫)视房间/天空/远方。The searching lights are~ing the surface of the ocean. 探照灯扫过海面。His eyes swept the newspaper for reports of the incident. 他的目光扫视报纸,寻找那个事件的报道。His eyes swept the faces in the crowd trying to find his lost friend. 他的目光在人群中掠过一张张面孔,试图找到他失去的朋友。

(6)擦(掠)过(touch or brush lightly)[T+n]:branches~ing the river's surface 轻拂水面的树枝;Her dress swept the floor. 她的长裙在地板上拖曳。Her fingers swept the strings of her harp. 她的手指在竖琴的琴弦上飞快掠过。Her full gown~s down to the floor. 她的长袍一直拖到地板上。

(7)挥动,使快速移动(cause to swing)[T+n+prep]:~a brush across a surface/one's arms above one's head 在一个平面上粉刷/双臂在头上挥动;She swept her hand across her face to get rid of the flies. 她晃动着手驱赶面前的苍蝇。

(8)迅速(高傲)地移动(move swiftly or in a proud manner)[I+prepI+adv]:The lady swept into my room. 那位女士倏地走进我的房间。The procession swept into the hall,preceded by trumpeters. 队伍跟在号手后面,雄赳赳地进入大厅。Peter swept in,with his dignity and insolence. 彼得迅速走进来,神情威严,目空一切。The lady swept up to the platform. 那位女士傲慢地踏上讲台。

(9)延伸,绵延(curve or extend)[I+prepI+adv]:(road)~round the lake(路)绕着湖蜿蜒远去;A broad driveway~s up to the house. 一条宽阔的汽车道一直通到屋前。The coast~s away southwards in a wide curve. 海岸缓缓向南蜿蜒伸展而去。

(10)一举获胜(be successful in the whole of sth)[T+n]:~the series 屡战屡胜;The Liberals swept the country in the election. 自由党在全国选举中获胜。My brother swept the board this year in all the swimming competitions. 我弟弟在今年所有游泳比赛中夺魁。

(11)行礼(make a bow)[D+n+n]:~sb a bow 向某人潇洒地鞠躬;

sweep sb off his feet 1)使产生强烈好感:She was swept off her feet by the young captain. 她狂热地爱上了年轻的船长。Mary is swept off the feet whenever she hears a band start playing. 每当玛丽听到乐队开始演奏,她的热情便油然而起。2)使完全折服:His speech swept them off their feet. 他的演讲使他们完全折服。

sweep sth under the carpet 掩盖:The government is trying to~these facts under the carpet. 政府正在极力隐瞒这些事实。

→′sweeper n 清洁工;(足球比赛)中卫;′sweeping adj全面的;′sweepings n 打扫的垃圾;

n(1)清(打)扫(act of a movingremovingclearing by the use of a broom)[C,通常sing](also sweep-out):Give the room/the kitchen a thorough (good)~. 把房间/厨房彻底(好好)打扫一下。make a clean~of all the old books 清理所有的旧书;It was a clean~for Germany: they finished first,second,and third in the race. 德国获全胜,比赛中前三名都是他们的。

(2)晃(摆,挥)动(swinging or curving movement)[C]:the~of a pendulum 钟摆的摆动;with a~of one's arm/one's sword 手臂/刀剑一挥;He cut the rope with one~of the knife. 他刀一挥,砍断了绳子。He indicat-ed the damage with one~of his hand. 他一扬手,指出了损坏的地方。He cut the grass with strong~s of his scythe. 他奋力挥动长镰打草。He watched the~of their oars as they rowed away. 他望着他们摇动双桨划船远去。With one~of her brush,the painter produced a wonderful sunset. 画家的画笔一挥,画出迷人的日落。〖同〗swing,arc,stroke;

(3)一段(片)(continuous extent or stretch)[C,通常 sing]:a~of glistening snow 一片耀眼的雪野;the broad~of sand/white cliffs round the bay 一片围绕海湾的沙地/白色峭壁;the long~of the distant hills 一段绵延的远山;There's a long~of empty road before you come to the inn. 到达客栈之前,眼前是一条长长的路,空荡荡的。The house looked upon a wide~of farming country. 这座房子面对一片宽阔的乡野。〖同〗stretch,distance,spell;

(4)范围(广度),视野(range or extent of a sweeping movement)[U](fig):the impressive~of a historical novel 动人的历史小说;She stared hard at my brooch as it came within the~of her gaze. 当她扫视到我的胸针时,目光便死死地盯住了它。The mountain is beyond the~of your eye. 大山超出了你的视野。the~of sb's hair 某人的发型轮廓;the~of radar equipment 雷达设备的覆盖范围;

(5)搜索(扫荡)(movement by soldierpoliceetc over a wide area)[C]:a~over the bay by a rescue helicopter 营救的直升飞机对海湾的搜索;(police) make a thorough~of the field where the dead body was found(警察)对发现尸体的田地进行彻底搜查;

at one/a sweep 一下子:He sacked half of his employees at one~. 他一下子把雇员裁去一半。





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