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单词 计上心来

计上心来jì shàng xīn lái

an idea came across (/flashed across/occurred to) one’s mind; an idea strikes sb; hit upon an idea; think out a plan
❍ 因一沉思,~,故作失手,将那一盏油汪汪的蜡烛,向宝玉脸上只一推; 只听宝玉 “嗳哟”的一声,满屋里人都唬了一跳。(《红楼梦》290) A moment’s reflection suggested the means. He had only to feign a slight clumsiness of the hand and it was done. The candle,brimming with molten wax,toppled straight on to Baoyu’s face.There was a piercing cry,which made every one else in the room jump.

计上心来jì shànɡ xīn lái

心里忽然有了一个计策。hit upon on idea, one thinks out a plan, an idea coming across one’s mind, bethink oneself of a good plan





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