警jǐnɡⅠ ❶ (戒备) guard against;garrison: ~ 惕 be on guard against ❷ (使人注意) warn;alarm: 以一 ~ 百 punish one as a warning to others; 以 ~ 将来 serve as warning for the future Ⅱ (感觉敏锐) alert;vigilant: 机 ~ alert;sharp-witted;vigilant;~ 醒 be a light sleeper Ⅲ ❶ (危险紧急的情况或事情) alarm: 报 ~ give an alarm; 火 ~ fire alarm ❷ (警察的简称) police: 交通 ~ traffic police;~ 亭 police box; 民 ~ people's police [policeman] ◆警报 alarm;warning;alert; 警备 guard;garrison; 警察 police;policeman; 警察局 police office; 警车 patrol wagon;black maria;paddy wagon; 警笛 police whistle;alarm whistle;siren; 警方调查 police investigation; 警方证人 police witness; 警告 warn;caution;admonish;warning; 警棍 spontoon; 警号标志 cautionary mark; 警戒 warn; warning; admonish (也作“儆戒”、“儆械”); {军} be on the alert against;guard against;keep a close watch on; 警句 aphorism;epigram; 警觉 vigilance;alertness; 警力 police strength;armed police force [troops];police numerical strength; 警铃 alarm bell; 警犬 police dog;patrol dog; 警探 police-spy; 警惕 be on guard against;watch out for;be vigilant;be on the alert; 警卫 (security) guard; 警醒 be a light sleeper;egersis; 警钟 alarm bell;tocsin |