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单词 sway
sway/sweɪ/ v & n

v (1)(使)左右(前后)摆动(摇晃)((cause to) move back and forth or from side to side)[IT+n]:The trees/branches~ed back and forward in the breeze. 树木/树枝在微风中来回摇动。The sailboat~ed on the stormy sea. 帆船在风急浪高的海面上来回颠簸。The pail~ed in Jack's hands as he ran. 杰克跑着,水桶在手中来回摇晃。The ship was~ing over. 那条船晃来晃去。The seasick passenger/drunk man~ed with dizziness. 晕船的乘客/喝醉的人头晕目眩,走路踉踉跄跄。The singer~ed to the music. 歌手随着音乐左右摆动。She~ed her hips from side to side/the baby's cradle with her foot. 她左右晃动腰胯/用脚晃动婴儿的摇篮。〖同〗rock,list,swing,roll,wave;

(2)(使)摆向一边((cause to) lean or bend to one side)[IT+n]:She~ed and fell in a faint. 她歪了一下身子晕倒了。~one's body to avoid the blow 身子一闪,躲过一击;The weight of the passengers~ed the car to the right. 乘客的重量使汽车向右偏斜。

(3)影响(某人看法等)(influence (a person's opinionactionetc))[T+n]:speeches/issues most likely to~the voters 最有可能影响选民的演讲/问题;Nothing could~the soldier from his duty/his decision. 什么也不能动摇这个士兵去履行他的职责/实施他的决定。The prospect of cold weather~ed the visitors. 未来的寒冷天气动摇了来访者的打算。When choosing a job,don't be~ed by false promises of future high earnings. 选择职业时不要被未来高收入的虚伪承诺所左右。She's too easily~ed one way or the other by her emotions. 她要么这样,要么那样,太容易受到情绪的影响。〖同〗move,influence,prompt,persuade,rouse,lead,stimulate,dispose;

(4)动摇(vary)[I]:He has never~ed in his loyalty to his family. 他从来未动摇过对家人的忠诚。〖同〗change,shift,vary,hesitate,alter,bend;

n(1)摇摆(motion of swaying)[U]:the~of the ship/the ferry in a storm 暴风雨中船/渡船的晃动;feel the~of the deck under one's feet 感觉到脚下甲板的晃动;The~of the hammock made him feel queasy. 吊床摇来摆去,使他感到头晕。〖同〗sway-ing,swinging,waving;

(2)控制(统治)(control) [U] (lit):For more than half a century,the country was under the~of the dictator/Tudors. 长达半个多世纪,这个国家一直处在独裁者/都铎王朝的统治之下。His father has too much~over the boy. 爸爸对这个男孩管制过多。The older members of the committee still hold~. 委员会中年龄较大的成员仍然执掌权力。Rome held~over a huge empire(for several hundred years). 罗马统治一个大帝国(长达数百年)。〖同〗control,domination,hold,command,rule,grip,power;mastery,government,dictatorship;

(3)影响(influence)[U](lit):change one's opinion under the~of one's friend's argument 在朋友论点的影响下改变观点;The cabinet is completely under the~of the Prime Minister. 内阁完全处于首相的影响之中。〖同〗authority,influence;






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