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单词 言人人殊

言人人殊yán rén rén shū

different people,different stories; each tells something different; each person offers a different version; the same story is told differently by different people
❍ 参尽召长老诸生,问所以安集百姓,如齐故诸儒以百数,~,参未知所定。(《史记·曹相国世家》)Cao Can summoned all the elders and scholars of the state and inquired of them how he should go about bringing peace and stability to the people. But there were hundreds of Confucian scholars making their home in Qi,and each of them told him something different. Cao Can had not made up his mind which advice to follow,…

言人人殊yán rén rén shū

殊:特殊,不同。对于同样的一件事情,每个人的说法都不一样。different people give different views; each person tells a different story; different people, different version





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