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单词 言之成理

言之成理言之有理yán zhī chéng lǐ

be justifiable;have(/make) sense; hold water; it stands to reason;make out a case for it; say sensibly;say with solid judgment; sound plausible enough;soundrea sonable;speak in a rational and convincing way;speak with rhyme and reason
❍ 虽然仁人们未必肯用,但我还可以~。(鲁迅《坟·论“费厄泼赖”应该缓行》227) Though humanitarians may not be willing to use it,I can make out a case for it.
❍ 虽明知他想割自己的腰包,然而~,无法驳斥。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—219) He was perfectly aware that Rooster was intent on getting a share of what was going into his purse,but at that moment he was at a loss to turn down the suggestion which sounded plausible enough.


speak in a rational and convincing way;sound reasonable

言之成理yán zhī chénɡ lǐ

讲得非常合乎道理。sound reasonable, have sense, well said, well-reasoned





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