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单词 言为心声

言为心声yán wéi xīn shēng

a bird is known by its note and a man by his talk; expression is the dress of thought; one’s words reflect his thinking;speech is the picture of the mind;words are the mirror (/voice) of the mind; what the heart thinks the tongue speaks; words are echoes of the heart
❍ 人的心理真是奇妙,“言是心声”,一点不假。(柳青《创业史》183) A man’s psychology is a subtle thing. How true it is that “words are echoes of the heart.”/但是到底“~”,他在儿子面前吐露了似乎事不干己的一句感叹语,“革命到来的时候,不晓得要搅成怎样一个局面呢!” (叶圣陶《倪焕之》363) But when all’s said and done “words are the voice of the mind”and one day a sigh escaped him in front of his son and he said (though as if it were no concern of his),“I wonder what sort of a to-do there’ll be when the Revolution comes?”

言为心声yán wéi xīn shēnɡ

言语就是表达内心的声音。指言语是人们思想感情的反映或表达。words are the voice of the mind, what the heart thinks, the tongue speaks





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更新时间:2025/3/14 19:33:01