释义 |
触(觸)chùⅠ ❶ (接触) touch;contact: 游客请勿 ~ 摸陈列品。 Visitors are requested not to touch the exhibits. ❷ (碰;撞) strike;hit: ~ 雷 strike [touch off] a mine; 船 ~ 礁了。 The ship struck a rock. ❸ (触动) touch: ~ 到痛处 touch a sore spot;touch sb. to the quick ❹ (感动) move sb.;stir up sb.'s feelings: 他们苦难的经历深深地 ~ 动了我们。 The story of their sufferings moved us deeply. Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 龙 Chu Long ◆触地 contact to earth; 触点 contact;contactor; 触电 get an electric shock;electric shock;get on electric shock; 触动 (碰;撞) touch sth.,moving it slightly;(因某种刺激而引起感情变化、回忆等;感动;感触) move sb.;stir up sb.'s feelings;touch one's heart; 触发 detonate by contact;touch off;trigger;strike; 触发器 trigger;flip-flop,toggle flip flop;binary pair;toggle;trigger source;triggerunit; 触犯 offend;violate;go against; 触感 touch;tactile impression; 触击 bunt (棒、垒球);触机 stir up sb.'s feelings; 触及 touch; 触礁 run on rocks [a rock];strike a reef [rock];split on;aground;stranding; 触角 {动} antenna;feeler;tentacle; 触景生情 be moved by what one sees;Memories revive at the sight of familiar places.;recall old memories at familiar sights;The circumstances excited one's feelings.;The scene brings back memories.;The scene evoked memories of the past.;The scene stirs up past memories.;The sight stirs up the feelings.;The sight strikes a chord in one's heart.;The scene touches a chord in one's heart.; 触觉 tactile [tactual] sensation;sense of touch;touch reception;thigmesthesia;pselaphesia;pselaphesis;tactility;touch;tact;tactus;feel;feeling; 触类旁通 grasp a typical example and you will grasp the whole category;comprehend by analogy;know the rest of a kind by analogy;draw an analogy;draw parallels from inference;reason by analogy;single out one thing and bring out its interrelationships; 触摸 touch; 触目 (接触到视线) meet the eye;(显眼;引人注目) conspicuous;attracting attention;startling;shocking; 触目皆是 can be seen [found] everywhere — in abundance;very common;meet the eye everywhere; 触目惊心 see the scene which is dreadful to one's mind;strike the eye and rouse the mind;a ghastly sight;horrifying;shocking (to the people);startling; 触怒 make angry;infuriate;enrage; 触杀 {体} tag-out;touch-out; 触手 {动} tentacle; 触痛 touch a tender [sore] spot;touch sb. to the quick;{医} tenderness;haphalgesia; 触头 contact;contact terminal; 触须 {动} cirrus;vibrissa;smeller;tentacle;{电子} (cat's)-whisker (晶体管触须线);触针 contact pilotage;{电子} cat whisker;whisker (晶体管触须线);contact [feeler] pin (接触柱;测头);tracer needle (描形针);stylus |