explain;expound;interpret;construe;interpretatio [拉]
对本协定在~上遇有分歧,应以…文本为准。In case there is any divergence of interpreta tion of this agreement,the…text shall prevail./~代表接触战俘的钟点应由中立国遣返委员会确定之(朝鲜停战协定)。The hours during which the explaining representatives shall have access to the prisoners shall be as determined by the Neutral Nations Repatriation Commission./主席可准许会员国在表决前或表决后对其投票作~性发言。The President may permit members to explain their votes,either before or after the voting./本公约任何规定不得~为禁止使馆执行领事职务。Nothing in the present Convention shall be construed as preventing the performance of consular functions by a diplomatic mission./关于~工作的附加规定additional provisions governing the explanation work/~代表explaining representative/条约的~interpretation of treaties/投票前(后)的~性发言statement in explanation of vote before (after)the voting/一切~工作和访问all explanations and interviews/广义~interpretatio extensiva[拉]/~工作explanation;explanation work/~务必使有关事项有效而不是无效interpretatio fienda est ut res magis valeat quam pereat[拉]