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单词 解衣推食

解衣推食jiě yī tuī shí

doff one’s own garments to cloth sb and give him food from one’s own plate—treat sb with great kindness; share one’s food and clothing with sb; give food and clothing to the needy
❍ 汉王授我上将军印,予我数万众,解衣衣我,推食食我,言听计用,故吾得以至于此。(《史记·淮阴侯列传》2622) ❶The king of Han presented me with the seals of a commanding general and granted me a force of twenty or thirty thousand men. He doffed his own garments to cloth me,gave me food from his own plate,listened to my words,and used my counsels.Therefore I have been able to come this far.
❷The King gave me the seal of a grand marshal with tens of thousands of men under my command. He shared his food and clothing with me and adopted all my proposals. That is how I reached my present position.

解衣推食jie yi tui shi

remove one’s own garment to clothe sb.else and give him the food from one’s own plate—treat sb. with great kindness

解衣推食jiě yī tuī shí

推:让。把自己的衣服脱下来给他人穿,把自己的食物让给他人吃。比喻对他人十分关怀。treat one’s friends sincerely, give food and clothes to the needy, treat sb. with great kindness





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