解[觧]jiěⅠ ❶ (剖开;分开) separate;divide: ~ 剖 dissect; 溶 ~ dissolve; 瓦 ~ disintegrate ❷ (把束缚或系着的东西打开) untie;undo: ~ 扣儿 unbutton;~ 缆 untie the mooring rope;~ 鞋带 undo shoelaces ❸ (解除;使不存在) allay;dispel;dismiss: ~ 惑 dispel [remove] doubts;~ 热 allay a fever;~ 痛 alleviate pain;~ 油腻 cut the grease of a rich meal (as with a cup of tea,etc.) ❹ (分析说明;解释) explain;interpret;solve: ~ 题 solve a (mathematical,etc.) problem; 详 ~ explain in detail;detailed explanation; 新 ~ a new interpreta ̄ tion; 注 ~ (explanatory) notes;annotation ❺ (了解;理解;明白) understand;comprehend: 费 ~ hard to understand;obscure; 令人不 ~ puzzling;incomprehensible; 通俗易 ~ easy to understand ❻ (解手) relieve oneself: 大 ~ go to the lavatory (to defecate); 小 ~ go to the lavatory (to urinate) Ⅱ {数} (代数方程中的末知数的值) solution: 求 ~ find the solution 另见 see also jiè;xiè。 ◆解表 {中医} induce sweat;diaphoresis; 解馋 satisfy a craving for good food;satisfy an appetite for good food; 解嘲 try to explain things away when ridiculed;try to get out of a scrape when ridiculed; 解愁释闷 end all care;put an end to care; 解臭剂 deodorant; 解除 remove;relieve;get rid of;secure;release;uncaging; 解除担保 release of guarantee; 解除合同 terminate a contract; 解除义务 relieve from obligations; 解串 {计} unstring; 解答 answer;explain;key; 解带宽衣 unloose the girdle and remove the upper coat; 解冻 thaw;thawing;unfreeze;unfreeze (funds,assets,etc.);thaw; 解毒 {医} detoxify;detoxicate;disintoxication;deintoxication;dry out (对饮酒过量的人);{中医} relieve internal heat or fever; 解乏 recover from fatigue;refresh oneself; 解法 method of solving;solving process;{数} solution; 解放 liberate;emancipate; 解放军 liberation army;[简] the Chinese People's Liberation Army;the PLA;PLA man; 解放战争 war of liberation;China's War of Liberation (1945-1949);解疙瘩 solve a problem on sb.'s mind;get rid of a hang-up; 解雇 dismiss;fire;give the sack;layoff;discharge;relieve sb. of his post;cashier;cast; 解雇费 termination pay; 解恨 vent one's hatred;have one's hatred slaked; 解甲归田 take off one's armour and go home — to retire from office;be demobilized;put aside the armour and pick up the hoe;take off one's armour and return to one's native place; 解禁 lift a ban; 解痉(作用) {中医} spasmolysis; 解救 save;rescue;deliver; 解聚 {化} depolymerization;depolymerize; 解决 solve;resolve;settle;finish off;dispose of; 解决争端 settlement of disputes;settle the claim; 解开 undo;unlash;unlatch;unmake;untie;unfasten;untwisting;unlocking;demesh;unlock; 解渴 quench one's thirst; 解扣 {电} clearing;tripping;trip;release; 解款 pay in;pay into;transfer of fund; 解离 {免疫} dissociation;disaggregation; 解理 {地质} {晶} cleavage;cleavability; 解链 unwinding; 解铃还须系铃人 It is better for the doer to undo what he has done.;Whoever started the trouble should end it.; 解码 decoding;decipher;decode; 解民倒悬 rescue the people from misery;relieve people of their sufferings;relieve the people's distress.; 解囊 [书] open one's purse; 解囊相助 loose the purse strings — to assist financially;help sb. generously with money;put one's hand in one's pocket; 解聘 dismiss an employee (usu. at the expiration of a contract); 解剖 {生} dissect;anatomy;dissection; 解剖麻雀 dissect a “sparrow” — to analyse a typical case; 解剖学 anatomia;anatomy; 解气 vent one's spleen;work off one's anger;vent one's spite upon sb.; 解散 dismiss;dissolve;disband; 解释 explain;expound;interpret;explicate;elucidate;tale; 解手 relieve oneself;go to the toilet [lavatory];解绶而去 return the office seal and resign; 解绶归田 resign one's post to live and toil on one's own farm; 解暑剂 summer-heat clearing prescriptions; 解说 explain orally;comment;commentary;narrate;definition; 解算 resolving;calculating; 解锁 deblocking;clear; 解题 solve problems;settle a problem; 解体 disassembly;disintegrate;break up;dismantle;dismount; 解调 demodulation;countermodulation;demodulating;decode;detect;{讯} restitution; 解调器 demodulator;rectifier;redresser;detuner; 解脱 free oneself from;get rid of;extricate oneself; 解围 force an enemy to raise a siege;rescue sb. from a siege;come to the rescue of the besieged;help sb. out of a predicament;save sb. from embarrassment;get sb. out of a fix;ease sb.'s embarrassment; 解析 analysis;resolution;analyzing;resolving; 解析疑义 analyze a doubtful interpretation - - to elucidate the meaning; 解溪 {穴位} Opened Hollow;Jiexi (S 41);解忧消愁 dissipate sorrow;allay grief [sorrow];relieve sb. from anxiety; 解约 break off an engagement;terminate an agreement;cancel a contract;rescind a contract; 解职 dismiss from office;discharge;relieve sb. of his post
解[觧]jiè(解送) send under guard: 囚犯被 ~ 往法场。 The prisoner was dispatched to execution ground. 这个罪犯已经 ~ 到县里去了。 The criminal has been sent to the county seat under guard. 另见 see also jiě;xiè。 ◆解送 send under guard
解xièⅠ (懂得; 明白) understand; see: ~ 不开这个道理 can't see the point Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 狐 Xie Hu 另见 see also jiě; jiè。 ◆解事之年 be on an age to understand; 解数 skill; art 解pariyatti;liberation;unloosen;explain