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单词 swallow
swallow/′swɒlǝ ʊ, AmE ′swɑ:loʊ/ v & n

v (1)吞(咽)下(allow (food) to pass down the throat to the stomach)[IT+n]:His throat was so painful that he could hardly~. 他的嗓子很疼,几乎咽不下东西。~a mouthful of bread/soup吞下一口面包/汤;~the pill/the medicine with the help of some water 借助水咽下药片/药物;He~ed the food hastily/the whisky at one gulp. 他匆匆吞下饭菜/把威士忌一饮而尽。Phyllis was hard to understand because she~ed her words. 菲丽丝的话很难听懂,因为她说话吞音。His boasts were challenged and he had to~his own words.(fig) 他的吹嘘引起非议,所以他只得收回自己那些话。Since I've known her well for so many years,her sudden marriage to another man comes as a bitter pill to~. 正是由于这么多年来我一直和她关系很密切,所以她突然与另一位男士结婚令我实在难以接受。~the bait 入圈套;〖同〗 down;

(2)做吞咽动作(以抑制强烈感情)(make the movements of swallowing but without a food)[I]:The speaker~ed nervously/hard and went on with his lecture. 演讲人紧张/使劲地咽了一口唾沫,然后继续他的讲演。

(3)忍受(accept without question or protest)[T+n](infml,fig):~rude remarks/insults/criticism without saying a thing 忍受粗暴的话/侮辱/批评而一言不发;

(4)轻信(believe easily)[T+n]:Do not~his story (without hesitation) the tale. 不要(想都不想就)相信他的谎话/轻信那个故事。

(5)吞没(take in so as to envelop)[T+nT+n+adv (up)]:The earthquake~ed up the whole city. 地震吞没了整个城市。She was so embarrassed that she wished the earth would open and~her up. 她非常难堪,恨不能找个地缝钻进去。She was~ed up by the crowd/the undergrowth. 她淹没在人群中/灌木丛中。small firms being~ed up by giant corporations (fig) 被大公司吞并的小公司;

(6)耗尽(use up)[T+nT+n+adv(up)]:His wife's clothes bills/debts~ed up all his wages (savings). 他妻子的服装账单/债务用光了他全部工资(积蓄)。The expenses/holidays more than~ed up the earnings. 开支/度假花光了所有的钱。

(7)抑制(hold in (emotiona laughetc) as if drawing it down one's throat)[T+n]:He~ed his anger/his feelings and went on working. 他抑制住愤怒/自己的感情,继续干下去。Mr Marsh was obliged to~his grief for his friends and run the office as usual. 玛什先生极力克制对朋友的悲痛之情,像往常一样开展业务。Finally he~ed his pride and asked for a favour/got a job as a kitchen porter. 最后他不再顾及面子,请人帮忙/找到了厨房清洁工的工作。〖同〗 hold in,keep back,hold back;

n (1)吞(咽)(act of swallowing)[C]:He drank his tea/the water at/in one~. 他一口把茶/水喝了下去。He took the medicine at one~. 他一口把药吞了下去。

(2)(吃等)一口(quantity swallowed)[C]:Take a~of beer/my soda. 喝一口啤酒/我的汽水。He had a few~s of tea and then hurried out. 他喝了几口茶,随后慌忙走了出去。〖同〗mouthful,drink,gulp,taste,bit





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