释义 |
视死如归shì sǐ rú guīregard death as if one were returning home; defy death(bravely); face death with equanimity (/without flinching); look death calmly (/fearlessly)in the face ❍ 他睁大眼睛,奇怪地瞅望着这群~的人。(冯志《敌后武工队》364) He did not know how to look at these people who defied death so bravely. ❍ 我觉得人活着应当像那些英雄,像那样~的人。(杨沫 《青春之歌》 119) I believe that to make life worthwhile we must live like the heroes who go to their death as if they were going home. ❍ 我们有无数的共产党员就是这样~地、毫不犹豫地牺牲了他们的一切。(刘少奇《论共产党员的修养》41) Indeed,countless members of the Communist Party have looked death calmly in the face and made the ultimate sacrifice without the slightest hesitation. ❍ 我是问心无愧,我是~,曲直忠邪,自有千秋的判断。(郭沫若《屈原》51) I have done nothing to be ashamed of! I can look on death without flinching! Which of us is right and which wrong, which loyal and which treacherous,future generations will decide. ❍ 他们当然~,但是党期望着他们……(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》507) I know they don’t fear death,but the Party hopes to save them. … 视死如归look upon death without flinching;meet one’s death like a hero; face death unflinchingly;look death calmly in the face 视死如归shì sǐ rú ɡuī把死亡看作回家一样,形容为了正义的事业不惜牺牲自己的生命。face death unflinchingly, defy death, face death with equanimity |