释义 |
视如草芥视若草芥shì rú cǎo jièhave thegreatest contempt for; regard as worthless; treat like dirt ❍ 亡国论者看敌人如神物,看自己如草芥,速胜论者看敌人如草芥,看自己如神物,这些都是错误的。(《毛泽东选集》481) In the eyes of the subjugationists the enemy are supermen and we Chinese are worthless,while in the eyes of the theorists of quick victory we Chinese are supermen and the enemy are worthless.Both are wrong. ❍ 小尼姑之流是阿Q本来视若草芥的,但世事须“退一步想”,……(《鲁迅选集》上—67) Now though Ah Q had always had the greatest contempt for such people as little nuns,there are times when“Discretion is the better part of valour.” |