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单词 keep
释义 keep1 /ki: p; kip/ vt, vi (pt, pp kept) /kept; kept/ (For idiomatic uses with adverbial particles and preps, → 18 below. For keep and n not given here, → the n entries, eg ~ pace/step, ~ time, ~ watch : ~ good/early hours.) (与副词接语和介词连用之习惯用法参看下列第 18 义。 keep 与名词连用如未列于本字项下者,则参看于各该名词。) 1 [VP22, 15A] cause sb/sth to remain in a specified state or position: 使 (人或物) 保持某种状态: ~ the children quiet/happy. 使孩子们安静 (快乐) 。 The cold weather kept us indoors. 寒冷的天气使我们待在家里。 If your hands are cold, ~ them in your pockets. 如果你的手觉得冷, 就把它们放在口袋里 c Will they ~ me in prison / custody? 他们会监禁 (拘留) 我吗? Extra work kept (= detained) me at the office. 额外的工作使我留在办公室里。 Will you ~ these things safe for me? 你愿意为我保管这些东西吗? ~ an eye on, (colloq) watch over closely: (U) L意看守: Please ~ an eye on the baby while I'm in the garden. 我去花囱里的时候,请照看着这婴儿。 ~ sth in mind, remember it: 记住 (上事物) Do ~ it in mind that we expect a report next week. 千万记住下遇提出报吿。 ~ track of/tabs on/a tab on. ctrack (1), tab (2). 2 [VP19B] cause a process or state to continue: 使一过程或状态继续: Please ~ the fire burning. 请使火保持燃烧。 I'm sorry I've kept you waiting. 我很抱歉使你久等了。 ~ sb going, help him to continue in some way: 帮助某人继续某种活动方式: Will £10 ~ you going until payday, cover your expenses? 十镑可使你维持到发薪日吗? The doctors manage to ~ me going, help me to remain active. 医生们设法助我活下去。 ~ the ball rolling. → ball'. ~ the pot boiling, cpot1 (2). 3 [VP14] ~ sb/sth from doing sth. prevent, hold back, ref rain: 阻止; 防止,; 阻碍: What kept you from joining me? Often shortened to 常诰作 'What kept you?'. 什么事情使你就搁了? We must ~ them from getting to know our plans. 我们必须防止他们知道我们的计划。 We must do something to ~ the roof from falling in. 我们必须设法防止屋顶塌下来。 [VP3A] ~ from doing sth, refrain: 而制: I couldn't ~ from laughing. 我不禁大笑起来。 4 [VP15B, 14] ~ sth (back) (from). a not let others know about it: 不诬他人知道: She edn ~ nothing (back) from her friends. 她在她的朋友面前没有秘密。 b hold back; withhold: 留下; 保留: They ~ back £20 a month from my salary far National Insurance. 他们从我的薪金市每月扣下二十镑付国民保险费。 ~ sth to oneself, a (often imper) not express, eg comments, views, etc: (常为祈使用法) 不表示意见等: K~lyou may your remarks to yourself, I don't want to hear them. 我不要听你的评论。 b refuse to share: 不让他人分享: He kept the good news to himself. 他没有把这好消息吿诉别人。 ~ one's own counsel, ccounsel1. ~ a secret. secret. 5 [VP6A] (with an implied complement, eg inviolate) pay proper respect to; be faithful to; observe; fulfil: 信有暗示的补足词,例如 inviolate) 遵守; 忠于; 履行: ~ a promise/a treaty/an appointment/the law. 遵守诺言 (条约,约定,法律) 。 - faith with sb, → faith. 6 [VP6A] celebrate: 庆祝; 过 (节,生日等): ~ the Sabbath, ie ~ it sacred; 守安息日; ~ Christmas/ one's birthday. 过圣诞节 (生日) 。 7 [VP6A] guard; protect: 保卫; 保护: ~ goal, → goalkeeper; 守球门; ~ wicket, (cricket) stand behind the wicket to stop or catch the ball, rwicket-keeper. (板球) 守三柱门。 May God/the Lord bless and ~ you, ie keep you sale. 愿上帝保祐你。 8 [VP6A] continue to have; have in one's possession and not give away; not lose; preserve, eg for future use c reference: 保有; 保管; 保存; 保留: You may ~ this- / don't want it back. 你可以把这个留下来,我不要了。 K~ the change, ie from money offered in payment. 零钱不要找了 o Please ~ these things for me while I'm away. 我离开期间请你替我保管这些东西。 We'll ~ these for another day. 我们还要将这些再保留一天。 ~ hold of; ~ a firm/tight hold on, not let go: 握住; 紧紧握住: K~ a tight hold on the horse's reins. 紧紧握住马扰。 9 [VP6A, 15A, 22] support; take care of; provide what is needed for; maintain: 赠养; 照顾; 供给所需之物; 养护: Does he earn enough to ~ himself and his family? 他的收入够维持自己和家人的生活吗? He has a wife and ten children to ~, poor fellow! 他要养活妻子和十个孩子,真是个可怜的人! She lives with her parents but earns enough r。 ~ herself in clothes, to buy her own clothes. 她和父母住荏一起, 但她赚的钱够添置衣服。 He ~s sheep in the Highlands. 他在苏备兰高曲养羊。 He ~s a mistress in Chelsea 他在契尔西养了一个情妇 (hence, 由此产生,now dated, 现为过时用语, kept woman, one whose needs are provided by a man whose mistress she is 受赡养的情妇)。 10 [VP6A] have habitually on sale or in stock: 经售: Do you sell batteries for transistor sets?: 一 'Sorry, but we don't ~ them.' ' 你们经售电晶体收音机的电池吗? '——' 对不起, 我们不卖那种电池 11 ~ house, be responsible for the house work, cooking, shopping, etc: 管家; 料理家务: His sister ~s house for him. 他姐姐 (妹妹) 为他管家。 housekeeper at house1. —- open house, be ready to entertain friends, etc at any time. 随时欢迎客人来临。 12 [VP6A] own or manage, esp for profit: 经营 (尤指为了牟利): ~ hens/bees/pigs; 养母鸡 (蜜蜂,猪); ~ a shop/an inn. 经营一商店 (旅馆) 。 Hence, 由此产生, 'shop ~er,,nn ~er. 13 [VP6A] make entries in, records of: 记入; 记录: ~ a diary. 记日记。 ~ accounts, records of money paid out and received. 记帐。 ~ books,― ~ accounts. Hence, 由此产生, 'book-~er. 14 [VP2C, D] continue to be, remain, in a specified condition: 保持 (某种状态): If. you've got the 'flu, you'd better go to bed and ~ warm. 你如白患流行性感冒,最好躺在床上盖暖和些。 Please ~ quiet! 请保持安静! I hope you're ~ing well, 我希望保保持健康。 K~ cool! (fig) Don't get excited! (喻) 保持冷静 (勿激动) ! ~ fit, (do physical exercise to) remain in good health: (做运动) 保持健康: (attrib) (形容用法) ~-fit classes. 体育课。 15 [VP6A, 2C, 3A] ~ on/to, continue in a particular direction; remain in a particular relationship to a place, 是靠左边走的。 K~ left, as a traffic sign. 抵左边走 (指示交通向左的标志)。 He was ill and had to ~ to his bed/the house for weeks. 他病了,不得不亲在床上(留在房屋内)好几个礼拜。 She couldn't ~ her seat, ie on her horse. 她无法安稳地骑在马上。 16 [VP2E, 3A] ~ (on) doing sth, continue doing sth; do sth frequently or repeatedly: 龙绩做某事; 不断或反覆做某事: K~ smiling! 保持笑容! Why does she ~ (on) giggling? 她为什么不断吃吃地笑? My shoe lace ~s (on) coming undone. 我的祚带老是松开。 ~ going, not stop; not give up; continue to function: 不停止; 不萩弃; 继续起作用: This is exhausting work, but I manage to ~ going. 这是件累人的工作,但我设法做下去。 rm not sure that etc: 继续朝某方向; 继续循…而行; 保持某种方向; 留在(某地); 保持在(某位置上): We kept (on) our way/course all morning. 我们整个早上继续前行。 While that big lorry ~ 5 (to) the middle of the road, We can't possibly overtake it. 只要那辆大卡车一直沿着路中央行驶, 我们就无法超越它。 K~ straight on until you get to the church. 一直向前走,便可到达敎堂。 Mfic in Britain ~s (to the) left. 英国往来的车辆行人等 the company can ~ going, continue in business. 我不能确定这家公司能否继续营业。 17 [VP2A] (of food) remain in good condition: (指食物)保持良好状态: Will ihis meat ~ till tomorrow? 这肉临放到明天吗? Cf 参较 ~ fresh, 0 14 above. 参看上列第 14 义。 This news will ~, (fig) need not be told now, can be told later. (喻)这消息以后再宣布吧。 18 [VP2C, 3A, 14, 15B] (uses with adverbial particles and preps) : (与副词接语及介词连用之用法): keep 'at sth, work at it: 不息地做 K~ at it, don't give up! 不要放弃!坚持下去! ~ sb at sth, make him work: 使某人做事: K~ them at it! Don't let them get lazy! 让他们做事(不要让他们偸懒)! keep away (from sth), avoid coming/going near (to): 房蛆不接近: K~ away from the water's edge. 远离水边。 ~ sb/sth away (from), prevent from going/coming near: 阻止某人或某物前去或接近: K~ the child away from the water's edge. 让孩子离水边远一点。 keep back (from sth), remain in the rear, at the back. 前在后面。 ~ sb back, restrain sb; prevent sb from advancing. 阻止某人向前。 ~ sth back, → 4 above. 参看上列第 4 义。 keep sb down, hold in subjection; oppress: 呓服: ~ down subject nations. 成服臣属的国家。 ~ sth down, a control: 控制: He couldn't ~ down his anger. 他无法控制他药愤怒。 This chemical will ~ the weeds down. 这化学药品能消除野草。 b limit: 限制: We must ~ down expenses. 我们必须限制开销。 c retain: 保留: He couldn't ~ his food down, had to vomit. 他将食物吐了出来。 keep in. eg of a coal fire in a grate, continue burning: (例如煤火等)继续烧着; 不熄: Will the fire ~ in until we get back? 这火能烧到我们回来吗? Cf 参较 go out. ~ in with sb. remain on good terms with, continue to be friendly with: 与某人保持友谊: You must ~ in with your customers, retain their goodwill. 你必须对顾客友善。 ~ sb in, (esp) detain (a child in school) as a punishment. (尤指)使(学童)留校作为处罚。 ~ sth in. a see that (a fire) continues to burn; ~ in, above: 让 (火)燃着: Shall we ~ the fire in or let it out? 我们让火烧着还是将它熄灭? (b) restrain: 抑制: He couldn't ~ in his indignation. 他抑制不住他的愤慨。 Cf 参较 burst fut. keep off, remain at a distance; not come: 远离; 不来: the rain ~s off, if it doesn't start to rain. 如果不下雨。 ~ off sth, refrain from: 制止; 抑制: Please ~ off that subject, say nothing about it. 请不要谈那问题。 Do please ~ off drugs, Don't use them. 千万请不要服用麻醉药。 ~ sb/sth off, hold, cause to remain, at a distance: 使避开; 不让接近: They made a big fire to ~ wild animals off. 他们生起大火不让野兽接近。 K~ your hands off, Don't touch it, me, etc. 把手拿开(不要碰它,我等)。 keep on (doing sth), continue; persist: 继续(做某事): ~ on (working) although one is tired. 虽谖倦加继续(工作 Don't ~ on asking silly questions. 不要老是问些可笑的问题。 Why do the dogs ~ 。“ barking? 这些狗为什么不停地叫?我 also 16 above. 亦参看上列第 16 义。 ~ sth on, continue to wear: 继续穿戴: ~ hat on. 一直戴着帽子。 ~ your hair on, chair. ~ one's shirt on, → shirt(1). ~ sb on, continue to employ: 继续雇角: ~ an old employee on, not dismiss her/him. 继续雇用着一年老的职员。 ~ on at sb, worry with repeated complaints, questions, etc. 以不薪的抱怨,发问等困扰某人。 keep out (of sth), remain outside: U在外面; 置身于(某事物)之外: Danger! K~ out! 危险!不要入内! K~ out of their quarrels, Don't get involved in them. 不要卷入他们的纠纷。 ~ sb/sth out (of sth), prevent from entering: 不让入内: Shut the window and - the cold out. 把窗子关上,免得冷风吹进来。 K~ that dog out of my study. 不要让射狗进入我的书房。 keep to sth, a do what one has agreed to do: 履行; 遵守: He always ~s to his promises/an agreement/his word. 他是个守信(约) 向人。 b limit oneself to: 限制自己: keep to the subject/the point at issue. 把握讨论的主题(要点)。 ~ (oneself) to oneself, avoid meeting people. 独居; 不交际。 keep sb/sth under, control; repress: 趋制; 裱两: The firemen managed to ~ the fire under, prevented it from spreading. 救火人贝控制了火势。乃 M boy needs ~ing under, needs discipline. 那孩子需要严格管敎。 ~ sb under observation, cobser- vation(1). 你的大房子和花园需要多少花费? 0 upkeep. ~ up appearances, appearance, e continue; carry on: 使继续进行: ~ up a correspondence with an old friend. 与一老朋友保持通信。 ~ one's end up.。 end1. Do you still ~ up your Greek, still read the Greek classics? 你仍在研波古希腊文学吗? ~ it keep up (with sb/sth). progress at the same rate (as sb/sth): 急上; 不落后: I can't ~ up with you, eg walk as fast as you. 我赶不上你(例如走得没有你那样快)。 Dave couldn't ~ up with the rest of the class, eg learn as quickly as his fellow pupils. 德夫跟不上班上的同学。 Is your salary ~ing up with inflation, growing as fast? 你的薪水赶得上通货膨胀鸭? keep up with sb/sth, stay in contact with: 保凭连系: try to ~ up with old friends far away; 设法与远方的老友保持连系; stay-informed about: 经常有…的消息: Alexander is careful to ~ up with the latest fashions in clothes. 亚历山大特别留心最新的服装式样。 ~ up with the Joneses, compete with one's neighbours, etc (in the purchase of articles, eg clothes, a car, indicating social status). 和琼斯一家人比(在购买物品如衣物、汽车等方面与邻人等相比以示社会地位)。 ~ sb up, delay sb from going to bed: 使遅睡: wrong to ~ the children up so late, They should go to bed. 这么晚还不让孩子们去睡觉足不对的。 I don't want to ~ you up; you look sleepy and ready for bed. 我不想让你熬夜, 你像是魅倦欲睡了。 ~ sth up. a prevent from sinking or getting low: 振起; 使不低落: K~ up your courage/spirits. 鼓起你的勇气(振作精神)。 K~ your chin up! Cheer up, have courage, etc. 振作精神! b observe: 理守 : : ~ up old customs. 遵守畐去的反俗。 c continue: 继续: They kept up the attack all day. 他们一整天不断地攻击。 d maintain in proper condition: 使保持适当的状态; 维护: How much does it cost you to ~ up your large house and garden? 维. 护 up, continue without slackening: 继续下去而不松弛: He works far too hard; he'll never be able io ~ it up- 他工作过于努力, 他绝对无法继续这样工作下去的。




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