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单词 suspend
suspend/sǝ′spend/ vt [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]

(1)悬(吊,挂)(hang so as to allow free movement)[T+nT+n+prep (from)](fml):He~ed the lamp so that the light fell on the table. 他把灯悬挂起来,这样光线就能投射在桌子上。~a bell from a cow's neck/a swing from a tree branch/a rope from a tree把铃铛挂在牛脖子上/把秋千悬挂在树枝上/把绳索拴挂在树上;The meat was~ed from the ceiling on a hook. 肉挂在天花板的一个钩子上。The climber was~ed from the top of the cliff on a rope held by his friends. 攀登者攀缘在朋友们固定在悬崖顶部的绳索上。〖同〗hang,swing;

(2)使悬浮(cause to float)[T+n+prep,通常pass]:(particles/dust/smoke) can be seen~ed in a beam of light/the still air 可以看到悬浮在光线里/静止空气中的(微粒/灰尘/烟雾);balloons~ed above the crowd 悬浮在人群之上的气球;Low clouds hung~ed over the area. 低低的云层飘浮在这个地区的上空。For an instant the acrobat seemed to~himself in the midair. 一瞬间那位杂技演员似乎悬在了半空中。

(3)暂停,中止(interrupt or stop temporarily)[T+n]:~the law/the operations/sb's driver's license 暂时取消这一法律/中止军事演习/吊销某人的驾驶执照;~one's work to have lunch 停下工作吃午饭;They~ed construction/the delivery of goods during the strike. 在罢工期间他们暂停建筑/送货。~ed animation 假死,不省人事;〖同〗discontinue,cease,stop,halt,arrest,interrupt,check;

(4)推迟(put off)[T+n]:~introduction of the new scheme/the punishment 推迟实施新计划/暂不处罚;I'll~judgement until all the facts are known/the payment until the work is completed. 直到了解所有事实我才会作出判决/工作完成我才会付清报酬。give a criminal a~ed sentence 对罪犯暂不作出判决;The sentence was two years' hard labour~ed for a year. 判处两年劳改徒刑,缓期一年执行。〖同〗put off,postpone;

(5)暂时停止职务等(deprive temporarily of a positionmembershipor privilege[T+nT+n +prep (from)]:To~a workman is to order him not to carry out his usual duties for the time being. 停止一个工人工作即是要求他暂时不要行使他的通常职责。The committee~ed two members of the football team. 委员会暂停足球队两名球员的参赛资格。The doctor has been~ed from duty. 那位医生被暂时要求停职。

→sus′pender n 吊袜带





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