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单词 见风转舵

见风转舵随风转舵;看风使舵;见风使舵jiàn fēng zhuǎn duò

change course of action according to the wind; chop round with the wind; dance and sing all weathers; sail with the current (/wind);see how the gander hops; steer according to the wind;tack with the wind; trim one’s sails to the wind; veer with the wind
❍ 有了十年内战的经验,所以他在这次抗战当中,居然敢演局部的内战,同时又能见风使舵,故作悬崖勒马的惊人之举。(《周恩来选集》上—152) With the experience of a decade of civil war behind him,he has been brazen enough to wage a partial civil war in the present War of Resistance. At the same time,when he was sure which way the wind was blowing,he could also deliberately make a show of restraint.
❍ 他也是老手,马上~。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—117) But he was an old hand at the game himself and he at once trimmed his sails to the wind.

见风转舵见(看)jiàn fēnɡ zhuǎn duò

看风向掌舵。比喻随机应变,看情势办事。find out how the wind blows, trim one’s sails, turn one’s sails to the wind, wait for the cat to jump, have it both ways, sail with every wind





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