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单词 见缝插针

见缝插针jiàn fèng chā zhēn

stick in a pin wherever there is room—make use of every bit of time or space; spare no room; avail oneself of every opportunity; seize (/catch/take)every opportunity(/occasion/chance)(by the forelook)
❍ 他~,努力提高业务水平。He makes use of every bit of his time in an earnest attempt to raise his professionsl skill.

见缝插针jian feng cha zhen

stick in a pin wherever there’s room—make use of every bit of time or space

见缝插针jiàn fènɡ chā zhēn

比喻抓住利用一切可能利用的时间和时机。make use of every bit of time or space, utilize every spot space, spare no room, avail oneself of every opportunity





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