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单词 见利忘义

见利忘义jiàn lì wàng yì

forget all moral principles at the prospect (/sight) of profits; forget honour at the sight of money; forget friendship for profit;forsake good for the sake of gold
❍ 某与吕布同乡,知其勇而无谋,~。(《三国演义》27) I am a fellow villager of his and know him well,his bravery,his stupidity,his cupidity and unscrupulousness.
❍ 这样一来,一些丧尽天良的资本家,就~,跃跃欲试。(《毛泽东选集》645)At the prospect of profits,some conscienceless capitalists forget all moral principles and itch to have a go.
❍ 探春笑道: “虽如此,只怕他们~呢。” (《红楼梦》713) Tanchun teased,“I’m only afraid they may forget friendship for profit!”/呸! ~的事我不干。(李六如《六十年的变迁》Ⅰ—218) Pooh! “To forsake good for the sake of gold” is not for me!

见利忘义jian li wang yi

forget what is right at the sight of money


forgetting all moral principles at the sight of profits;be actuated by mercenary views


forsake principle for profit;trade integrity for profits;be a man blinded by gain;discard one’s honor for selfish interests;sacrifice(or compromise on) principle for profit;opt for profits over morality; reap profits against values; profit-mongering at the expense of others;dishonesty and greed;unjust profits

见利忘义jiàn lì wànɡ yì

看见眼前的私利,就忘记了道义。forget friendship for profit, forget honour at the sight of money, sell one’s birthright





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