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单词 见兔顾犬

见兔顾犬jiàn tù gù quǎn

call the hound on seeing a hare—take instant advantage of an opportunity that comes only once in a long while; it is not too late to seize (/snatch) the opportunity at once
❍ 你能~,还是很明智的。It is very wise of you to have taken the instant advantage of an opportunity that comes only once in a long while.
❍ 见兔而顾犬,未为晚也。(《战国策·楚策四》) It is never too late to call the hound when you see the hare.

见兔顾犬jian tu gu quan

look at one’s dog when seeing the hare—not yet too late to take action in an emergency

见兔顾犬jiàn tù ɡù quǎn

顾:回头看。看到了野兔,才回头唤狗追捕。比喻虽然事态紧急,但如及时想办法还来得及。take instant advantage of an opportunity that comes only once in a long while, it is not too late to seize the chance at once





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