释义 |
见(見)jiànⅠ ❶ (看到;看见) see;catch sight of: 亲眼所 ~ see with one's own eyes;see for oneself; 所 ~ 所闻 what one sees and hears; 一 ~ 钟情 fall in love at first sight; 只 ~ 一个人影闪过墙角 catch sight of sb. turning the corner; 百闻不如一 ~。 It is better to see once than hear a hundred times. ❷ (接触;遇到) meet with;be exposed to: 冰 ~ 热就化。 Ice melts with heat. 这种药怕 ~ 光。 This medicine is not to be exposed to daylight. ❸ (看得出;显得出) show evidence of;appear to be: 并不 ~ 瘦 not seem to be any thinner; 日久 ~ 人心。 Time reveals a person's heart. 病已 ~ 轻。 The patient's condition has improved. ❹ (指明出处或需要参看的地方) refer to;see;vide: ~ 第三十六页 see page 36;~ 前[后] see before [after];vide ante [post];~ 上 [下] see above [below];vide supra [infra] ❺ (会见;会面) meet;call on;see: 明天 ~。 See you tomorrow! 她今天下午要来 ~ 你。 She'll call on you this afternoon. 我不想 ~ 他。 I don't wish to see him. Ⅱ ❶ (对于事物的看法;意见) view;opinion;idea: 成 ~ preconceived idea;prejudice; 定 ~ definite opinion;set view; 固执己 ~ stubbornly adhere to one's opinions; 依我之 ~ in my opinion;to my mind ❷ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 龙 Jian Long Ⅲ [书] (用在动词前表示被动或表示对我怎样): ~ 弃 be rejected;be discarded;~ 责 be blamed;~ 知于世 be recognized by society; 即希 ~ 告。 Hope to be informed immediately. 另见 see also xiàn。 ◆见鞍思马 When one sees the saddle he thinks of the horse — one thing leads to another.; 见报 appear in the newspapers; 见不得 not to be exposed to;unable to stand;not fit to be seen or revealed;unpresentable; 见财起意 think of stealing on seeing sb.'s money [goods];At the sight of money evil ideas rise in one's head.;be led astray upon seeing valuables;be moved to commit crimes at the sight of money; 见长 be good at;be expert in; 见称于世 be well spoken of;be well-known; 见此忘彼 observe this and neglect that; 见大世面 get a glimpse of the world of the great; 见单交货 deliver goods against surrender of the document; 见单据付款 cash against document; 见地 insight;judgment; 见多识广 have great experience;experienced and knowledgeable;have a mind of wide scope;have a wide range of experience;have seen a great deal; 见风使[转]舵 sail with the wind;see which way the wind blows;swap horses when crossing a stream;trim one's sail to the wind [suit the wind];veer with the wind; 见风长 grow or develop rapidly;inflate at a high rate; 见缝插针 stick in a pin wherever there's room — make use of every bit of time;avail oneself of every opportunity;make use of every single space [second];见个高下 contest and see who is better [stronger];fight for mastery;see which of them is the strongest;see who is better; 见怪 mind;take offense; 见怪不怪 become inured to the unusual [weird];What once seemed bewildering will no longer be so.; 见棺落泪 Tears started to flow from one's eyes as he saw the coffin.; 见光度 photographic nucleation;photogra ̄ phically catalyzed nucleation;{光} photonucleation; 见鬼 fantastic;preposterous;absurd;go to hell;Damn the ghost! Damn it!;见过世面 have seen much of life;have seen the world;have experienced life; 见好 get better;mend; 见后 [拉] vide post [infra];see below; 见机 as the opportunity arises;as be fits the occasion;according to circumstances; 见机行事 act according to circum ̄ stances;act as circumstances dictate;act as the occasion demands;act on seeing an opportunity;adapt oneself to circumstances;do as one sees fit;profit by the occasion;see one's chance and act;use one's own judgment and do what one deemed best; 见教 [书] favour me with your advice;instruct me; 见解 view;opinion;understanding;idea;thesis; 见景伤情 become beset with memories in one's old haunts and fall into one's melancholy condition again; 见景生情 be moved by what one sees;Memories revive at the sight of familiar places.;recall old memories at familiar sights;The circumstances excite one's feelings.;The scene evokes memories of the past.; 见困难就上,见荣誉便让 tackle difficulties for oneself and leave the glory and honour to others; 见利妄为 stop at nothing to gain profit;lose sight of everything else in view of a (little) present advantage; 见利忘义 at the prospect of profits;actuated by mercenary views;disregard moral principles in pursuit of profit;forget all moral principles at the sight of profits;forget friendship for profit;forget honour at the sight of money;forsake good for the sake of gold;sacrifice principle for profit; 见谅 [书] excuse me;forgive me; 见貌辨色 quick to see which way the wind blows — very shrewd;subtly to react by noticing one's superior's counten ̄ ance; 见面 meet;see;contact;link; 见面礼 a gift [present] such as is usually given to sb. on first meeting him;a gift presented to sb. at the first meeting; 见木不见林 not to see the wood for the trees; 见难而上 grasp the nettle; 见难而止 boggle at a difficulty; 见难不救,枉为人也 A man who would not help another in his hour of need is not much of a man.; 见票即付票据 note at sight;bill payable on demand;demand bill;note at demand;demand note;demand draft; 见票即付支票 check payable at sight; 见钱心动 be tempted by money; 见钱眼开 One's eyes grow round with delight at the sight of money.;be moved at the sight of money;be tempted by money;care for nothing but money;open one's eyes wide at the sight of money; 见前 (见上文) [拉] vide ante [supra];see above; 见仁见智 Different people,different views.;each according to his lights;Opinions differ.; 见人害臊 be shy of persons [people];见人就讲 speak to anybody one comes across; 见人就问 ask everybody one meets; 见人恐怖 anthropophobia; 见人说人话,见鬼说鬼话 double-cross;be double-faced; 见世面 see the world;enrich one's experience;face the world; 见事生风 stir up trouble with very little cause;arouse trouble with very little cause;create disturbance under a slight excuse; 见势不妙 seeing that matters are in a bad way;facing the danger of trouble;not liking the way things are going...;realizing the situation is going against (oneself);seeing that things were going very badly;see that the situations is unfavorable;see that the tide has turned against (oneself);see the danger of what was being done; 见识 widen one's knowledge;enrich one's experience;experience;knowledge;sensibleness; 见识短浅 lacking knowledge and experience;shallow; 见识广博 wide in experience;have extensive experience; 见树不见林 not see the wood for the trees;fail to see the wood for the trees;note only the details but not the overall picture; 见死不救 do nothing to save sb. from ruin;fold one's hands and see sb. die;leave one to sink or swim;leave sb. in the lurch;not to help a dying man;not to rescue those in mortal danger;refuse to help sb. in real trouble;see sb. in mortal danger without lifting a finger to save him;shut one's eyes to people that are dying;stand aside [by] when sb. is in peril;stand calmly by while another is drowning; 见死不惧 not dismayed at the prospect of death;be fearless in face of death;not afraid of death; 见所未见 see what one has never seen before;has never seen ... in one's life;see many strange things of which one has hitherto been unaware;unprecedented; 见他的鬼! The devil takes him!;见头知尾 As soon as one perceives the head of ... he knows what the tail is also; 见外 regard sb. as an outsider; 见微知著 from the first small beginnings one can see how things will develop;a straw shows which way the wind blows;from one small clue one can see what is coming;recognize the whole through observation of the part; 见危授命 willing to sacrifice life in case of danger;be ready to die for (one's country in times of national crisis);be ready to give one's life when the country is at a crisis; 见危受命 be entrusted with one's mission at a critical and difficult moment;receive an appointment in sight of danger; 见闻 what one sees and hears;knowledge;information; 见闻不广 have only limited knowledge; 见闻广博 well-informed;have extensive knowledge; 见物不见人 see things but not people — see only material factors to the neglect of human ones;ignore the human factor and see only the material factor; 见物伤情 The sight of familiar objects filled one with infinite melancholy.;be grief-stricken at the sight of things; 见物思人 Seeing the thing,one thinks of the person — the thing reminds one of its owner.; 见习 learn on the job;be on probation; 见贤思齐 emulate those better than oneself;Seeing another better than oneself,one tries to equal him.;see a wise,good man and try to emulate him; 见小不见大 see only the part but not the whole;strain at a gnat and swallow a camel;can not see the wood for the trees; 见笑 incur ridicule (by one's poor performance);laugh at; 见笑于大方之家 become a laughingstock of the learned people;be laughed at by experts; 见效 become effective;produce the desired result; 见阎王 die;kick the bucket; 见义勇为 do boldly what is righteous;act bravely for a just cause;help a lame dog over astile;never hesitate where good is to be done;never hesitate to do what is right;ready to take up the cudgels for a just cause;rise gallantly to the occasion; 见异思迁 wish to change one's work the moment one sees sth. different;be fickle;be inconstant;be irresolute;be like a rolling stone;change about;change one's mind the moment one sees sth. new;look for a change for something better; 见长 grow perceptibly; 见证 witness;testimony; 见诸明文 be expressed in writing;be down in black and white; 见诸行动 translate ... into action; 见罪 [书] (见怪) be blamed |