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单词 justify
释义 justify /'djAStifai; 'djASta/fai/ vt (pt, pp -tied) [VP6A, 19C] 1 show that (a person, statement, act, etc) is right, reasonable or proper: 证明(人,言论,行动等)为正当: The Prime Minister justified the action of the Government. 首相证明政府的该一行动是正当的。 You can hardly ~ such conduct. 你几乎无法证明此种行为是正当的。 You'd be hard put to it to ~ your behaviour. 你难以证明你的行为是正当的。 2 be a good reason for: 为…之好的理由; 为…辩护; 辩明: Your wish to go for a walk does not ~ your leaving the baby alone in the house. 你想出去散步并不构成将婴儿独自丢在屋中的理由。 3 adjust (a line of type) to fill a space neatly. 调整(一行铅字)使排满一空间。 justi4iable /.dsASti'fawbl; 'djASta/aisbl/ adj that can be justified: 可证明为正当的; 有理由, 的: justifiable homicide. 正当杀人。 justifiably /-sbli; -abli/ adv justification /idjAStifi'keiJh; , 6z8tsfs'Ice/sn/ n [U] 1 sth that justifies: 理 His justification for stealing was that his children were starving. 他偷窄的理由是他的儿女快要饿死了。 in justification (for/of sth/sb). ~ing it/him: 作为某事物之理由; 为某人辩护: It can be said in justification for what he had done that... 他所以这样做的理由是…。 2 the act of ~ing sth. 证明为正当; 辩明。 3 the state of being free from blame. 无咎。




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