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单词 justice
释义 justice /'djAStis; 'djAStis/ n 1 [U] just conduct; the quality of being right and fair: 公平; 公正; 合理; 公道; 公理; 正义: treat all men with 公平对待所有的人。 in ~ to, in order to be just to. 为对 … 公奉起见。 do ~ to, treat fairly; show that one has a just opinion of, that one realizes the value of: 公平对待; 公平评判; 赏识: To do him ~, we must admit that his intentions were good. 公平而论,我们必须承认他的用意是好的。 He did ~ to the dinner, showed by eating heartily that the food was good. 他津浦有味地吃那顿饭。 do oneself ~, behave in a way that is worthy of one's abilities: 发挥自己的能力: You're not doing yourself ~, You could do much better if you tried. 你尙未发挥你的能力。 2 [U] the law and its administration: 法律制裁; 司法; 审判: a court of ~ .. 法庭“ bring sb to ~, arrest, trv and sentence (a criminal). 使 (犯人) 归案受审。 3 [C] judge of the Supreme Courts: (英) 高等法院法官; (美) 最高法院法官 .the Lord Chief 高等法院的庭长或首席法官; the Lords J~s; 高等法院法官们; the Chief J~ of ' England; 英国髙等法院的庭长或首席法官; Mr 丿 ~ Smith. 法官史密斯先生。 4 ,J~of the Peace, (abbr 略作 JP) magistrate. 保安官; 治安法官。 Department of J ~,( US) executive department, headed by the Attorney General, supervising internal security, naturalization, immigration, etc. .( 美)可法部。




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