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西藏Xizang;Tibet ~自古就是中国领土不可分割的一部分,自13世纪中叶以来一直是中国中央政府直接管辖下的一个行政区。连达赖喇嘛的封号也是中国中央政府册封才有的。Tibet has always been an integral(or inalienable)part of China’s territory.It has been an administrative region under the direct jurisdiction of China’s Central Government since the mid-13th century.Even the title of the Dalai Lama came into being as a result of conferment by China’s Central Government./~的和平解放 Tibet’s peaceful liberation (in 1951)/~人Tibetan/~学Tibetology/~自治区Tibet Autonomous Region 相关词汇 地名 藏区(青海、四川、云南、甘肃的一些藏族聚居区和整个西藏自治区) Tibetan-inhabited area “内藏”“Inner Tibet” “外藏”“Outer Tibet” 拉萨 Lhasa 布达拉宫Potala Palace 扎什伦布寺(在日喀则)Tashilhunpo (Tashi Lhunpo)Monastery(in Xigaze) 大昭寺Jokhang Temple 小昭寺Ramoche Temple 甘丹寺Ganden (or Gyaden)Monastery 哲蚌寺Zhaibung(or Drepung)Monastery 色拉寺Sera Monastery 白居寺(在日喀则)Palkhor Monastery 罗布林卡(达赖的夏宫)Norbulingka 塔尔寺(在青海)Taer Monastery(in Qinghai) 日喀则Xigaze (or Shigatse) 八廓街(又称八角街)Barkhor Street(or Bazaar) 噶伦堡Kalimpang 则里拉山口Jelop La Pass 史实 吐蕃王朝Tubo Kingdom 古格王朝Kingdom of Guge 松赞干布Songtsen Gampo 文成公主Princess Wencheng of the Tang Dynasty 八思巴帝师’Phags-pa Imperial Tutor 驻藏大臣(清)Resident Commissioner (Amban)in Tibet 钦定藏内善后章程二十九条29-Article Imperial/Authorized Regulations for the Better Governing of Tibet (1793) 遣使册封send an envoy to confer the official title on;grant an honorific title to 第十世班禅额尔德尼法体灵塔和祀殿开光典礼inauguration ceremony of the funerary stupa and memorial hall of the 10th Bainqen(or Panchen) Erdeni 第十一世班禅寻访、认定、坐床the search for and identification,conformation and enthronement of the 11th Bainqen(or Panchen)Lama 转世Reincarnation 灵童soul boy 观湖显影examine reflections in holy lakes 金瓶掣签draw lots (or lot-drawing) from a gold urn 麦克马洪线McMahon Line(中国不承认,无效) 宗教文化习俗 格萨尔王传(藏族史诗)“King Gesar” 晒佛节Sunning Festival;Tangkan Festival 雪顿节Shotaan;Yoghurt Festival 望果节Ongkor Festival(Bumper Harvest) 沐浴节Bathing Festival 林卡节Lingka Festival;Picnic Festival 拉萨祈祷大法会(俗称传召大法会)the Monlamor (annual)Grand Summons Ceremony in Lhasa 马年转大雪山Pilgrimage to Snow Mountain in the Year of the Horse 羊年转纳木神湖Pilgrimage to the Holy Lake of Namco in the Year of the Sheep 热振寺坝子 the Walking-Around-ReligiousRock Festival at the Razheng Monastery 神山圣湖Mount Kailash and Mansarover 诵经祈祷chant sutra 经师sutra tutor 牦牛yak 麋鹿musk deer 藏羚羊Tibetan antelope 青稞酒Chang,highland barley,barley wine 冬虫夏草(虫草) Chinese caterpillar fungus 藏红花saffron 哈达Katag (hata)(ceremonial scarf) 酥油butter(buttered-tea) 糌粑tsamba;roast barley flour 藏香(Tibetan)joss stick 经幡sutra streamer 嘛尼堆Mani stone mounds 唐卡(藏画)Tangkar;Thangka 五体投地磕长头grovel; prostrate oneself in prayer 在寺庙前虔诚地跪拜prostrate oneself at religious shrine 在乐器的伴奏下诵经拜佛worship by reciting scripture and chanting to the accompaniment of instrument 反对藏独 《中央人民政府和西藏地方政府关于和平解放西藏办法的协议》(《十七条协议》) Agreement of the Central People’s Government and the Local Government of Tibet on Measure for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet(the 17-Article Agreement,signed on 23May 1951) 中央政府对达赖的政策是一贯的、明确的,即:达赖必须真正放弃西藏独立的主张,停止一切分裂祖国的活动,公开承认西藏是中国不可分割的一部分,承认台湾是中国的一个省,中华人民共和国政府是代表全中国的唯一合法政府。The policy of the Central Government towards the Dalai Lama has been consistent and clear-cut,that is,the Dalai Lama must truly give up his proposition for Tibet independence,stop all activities aimed at splitting (or breaking up;dividing)China and publicly recognize Tibet as an inalienable part of China,Taiwan a province of China and the Government of the People’s Republic of China the sole legal government representing the whole of China. 中国对西藏的主权不容否定。西藏独立不行,半独立不行,变相独立也不行。China’s sovereignty over Tibet is undeniable (or admits of no denial).Independence for Tibet is out of the question,so is semi-independence or independence in disguise. 达赖集团the Dalai clique “西藏流亡政府” “Tibetan exile government”;“Tibetan government in exile” “雪山狮子旗” “Snow Mountain Lion Flag”;“Snow Lions with Red and Blue Rays”—flag of the so-called Tibetan exile government “藏青会”“the Tibetan Youth Congress” “挺进西藏运动”“Marching to Tibet” 故意混淆“西藏”和“藏区”两个概念deliberately obscure the difference between “Tibet”and “Tibetan-inhabited areas” |