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单词 西方神话人物

西方神话人物xī fānɡ shén huà rén wùWestern Mythological Characters

阿佛洛狄特 [ā fú luò dí tè] Aphrodite (goddess of love and beauty)
爱丽丝 [ài lì sī] Iris (goddess of the rainbow)
爱丽修瑟 [ài lì xiū sè] Arethusa (goddess of woods)
爱洛斯 [ài luò sī] Eros (god of love)
爱神丘比特 [ài shén qiū bǐ tè] Cupid (god of love)
奥丁 [ào dīnɡ] Odin (lord god)
巴尔德 [bā ěr dé] Baldr (sun-god)
巴克斯 [bā kè sī] Bacchus (god of wine)
巴拉斯雅典娜 [bā lā sī yǎ diǎn nà] Pallas Athena (goddess of wisdom)
波塞冬 [bō sài dōnɡ] Poseidon (god of sea)
布拉奇 [bù lā qí] Bragi (god of poetry)
狄安娜 [dí ān nà] Diana (moon-goddess)
迪奥尼索司 [dí ào ní suǒ sī] Dionysus (god of wine)
狄尔 [dí ěr] Tyr (god of victory)
蒂美特 [dì měi tè] Demeter (goddess of grains)
斐莉嘉 [fěi lì jiā] Frigga (goddess of the sky and clouds)
费顿 [fèi dùn] Phaeton (son of the sun-god)
弗优雷斯 [fú yōu léi sī] Furies (goddesses of revenge)
福玻斯·阿波罗 [fú bō sī ā bō luó] Phoebus Apollo (sun-god)
格拉斯姐妹 [ɡé lā sī jiě mèi] Graces (goddesses of grace and beauty)
海姆达 [hǎi mǔ dá] Heimdall (god of dawn and light)
赫柏 [ hè bǎi] Hebe (goddess of youth)
赫耳墨斯 [hè ěr mò sī] Hermes (god of commerce)
赫摩德 [hè mó dé] Hermod (god of blindness)
赫斯提 [ hè sī tí] Hestia (goddess of hearth)
洛奇 [luò qí] Loki (god of evil)
美纳娃 [měi nà wá] Minerva (goddess of wisdom)
墨丘利 [mò qiū lì] Mercury (god of commerce)
莫西伯 [mò xī bó] Mulciber (god of fire)
尼普顿 [ní pǔ dùn] Neptune (god of sea)
潘恩 [pān ēn] Pan (god of forests, pastures, flocks, and shepherds)
玻尔塞福湼 [bō ěr sài fú niè] Persephone (queen of the dead)
普路托 [pǔ lù tuō] Pluto (god of the dead)
普赛克 [pǔ sài kè] Psyche (queen of love; wife of Cupid)
诗歌女神缪斯姐妹 [shī ɡē nǚ shén miù sī jiě mèi] Muses (goddesses of poetry)
斯莉丝 [sī lì sī] Ceres (goddess of grains)
天后赫拉 [tiān hòu hè lā] Hera (queen of heaven)
托尔 [tuō ěr] Thor (god of thunder)
维达 [wéi dá] Vidar (god of war)
维纳斯 [wéi nà sī] Venus (goddess of love and beauty)
维斯塔 [wéi sī tǎ] Vesta (goddess of hearth)
武尔坎 [wǔ ěr kǎn] Vulcan (god of fire)
希费菲斯托斯 [ xī fèi fēi sī tuō sī] Hephaestus (god of fire)
希特斯 [ xī tè sī] Hades (god of the dead)
雅特密斯 [ yǎ tè mì sī] Artemis (moon-goddess)
伊都娜 [ yī dū nà] Iduna (goddess of youth)
战神阿瑞斯 [zhàn shén ā ruì sī] Ares (god of war)
战神马尔斯 [zhàn shén mǎ ěr sī] Mars (god of war)
宙斯 [zhòu sī] Zeus (supreme deity)
朱庇特 [zhū bì tè] Jupiter (supreme deity)
朱诺 [ zhū nuò] Juno (queen of heaven)





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