单词 | surrender |
释义 | surrender/sǝ′rendǝ(r)/ v [-ing/rɪ ŋ/];n v (1)投降,屈服(stop fighting,resisting an enemy,etc;give up)[I,I+prep,T+n,T+n (oneself)+prep (to)]:In the end they were forced to~. 最终他们被迫投降了。~to sb/the militant employer 向某人投降/屈服于好斗的雇主;~oneself to the police向警方投降;~oneself to the justice自首;〖同〗give up,yield,submit;〖反〗resist,oppose; (2)放弃,交出(give up possession of sth)[T+n,T+n+prep (to)]:~one's insurance policy退保;~one's privileges/one's liberty/one's claim (to sth)/one's rights (to sth)放弃特权/自由权/(对……的)拥有权/(对……的)权利;~one's old passport when applying for a new one 申请新护照时交出旧护照;~one's fortress to the enemy 把要塞拱手让给敌人;〖同〗abandon,give up,let go;〖反〗retain,keep; surrender (oneself) to 沉溺在某种情绪中(fml,通常derog):He~ed himself to misery when he heard that his father was dead. 得知自己的父亲去世的消息后,他陷于悲痛之中。 n 投降,屈服;放弃,交出(act of surrender-ing)[C,U]:unconditional~无条件投降;be forced into~被迫投降;broadcast the terms of the~广播投降的条款;demand the~of all weapons/the town 要求交出所有武器/该城投降;It meant a complete~of his authority and power. 那意味着完全放弃他的权威和权力。〖同〗yielding,submission,delivery |
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