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单词 suppose
suppose/sǝ′pǝ ʊz, AmE -′poʊz/ vt [-d,-d/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

(1)设(猜)想,认(以)为(think probable;believe;guess;assume)[T+ thatC+n+adjC+n+to-inf]:He~d it was too late to change his mind. 他认为那时再改变主意已太晚了。They~(that) all rich men are wicked. 他们认为所有的富人心眼都坏。I don't~I'll trouble you again. 我想我不会再麻烦你了。Who do you~telephoned today? 你猜今天谁来电话了? You don't mind my smoking,I~? 我想你不介意我吸烟吧?~sb (to be) foolish/poor 认定某人愚蠢/贫穷;I shall~him to be fifty or so. 我猜想他大约50岁。〖同〗guess,imagine,assume,judge,suspect;

(2)假定(设)(believe or assume as true;take sth as a fact)[T+nT+thatC+n+to-inf]:Let's~a second flood. What then? 假定会第二次闹洪水,那会怎么样? S~the earth's axis were not tilted at all. 假定地轴并不倾斜。S~A equals B. 假定A等于B。Let's~we each had $10,000 to spend — what would we buy with it? 假定我们每人有一万美元 —— 我们将用这笔钱买什么呢? 〖同〗assume;

(3)(让我)建议,(作为建议)请予考虑(used to make a suggestion or give an order in a polite way)[T+n][用imper]:S~we have lunch now! 去吃午饭好吗? S~you try now? 现在试一试?

(4)需要……的存在为条件(have (sth) as a condition;presuppose)[T+n](fml):Every effect~s a cause. 一切结果都必然有其原因。Smoke~s fire burning somewhere. 烟意味着有地方着火啦。An invention~s an inventor. 有发明者才会有发明。

be supposed to do sth 应该,理应:It is a secret still and I am not~d to tell anybody. 这依然是个秘密,我不能对任何人说。

→sup′posed adj 误信(传)的;sup′posedly adv 据推测;大概;sup′posing conj 假定(设);如果;͵suppo′sition n 假定,设想;假定的事;

【辨异】suppose assumepresume的区别见ASSUME。





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