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单词 support
support/sǝ′pɔ:t/ vt [-ed,-ed/ ɪd/]; n

vt (1)支撑,承受(重量)(bear or hold up (a loadstructurepartetc))[T+n]:That chair won't~him/his weight. 那把椅子禁不住他/他的重量。These walls/beams~the roof. 这些墙/横梁支撑着屋顶。the towers that~a bridge 支撑着桥的塔楼;~a heavy box on one's shoulders 肩扛着个沉重的盒子;stood up~ing oneself with a stick/on the arms of the chair 拄着拐杖/撑着椅子的扶手站起;〖同〗sustain,bear,hold;

(2)支持,赞助 (uphold and aid;back) [T+nT+n+prep (in)]:~a political candidate/a reform 支持一政治候选人/改革;~a charity赞助慈善事业;~sb's cause 支持某人的事业;~sb's demands for independence 支持某人独立的要求;Which basketball team do you~? 你支持哪个篮球队? I don't~the idea that teenagers are lazy. 我不赞成认为青少年懒惰的看法。~sb in sb's decision/sb's campaign for election 支持某人的决定/竞选;~sb in sb's trouble在某人患难时支持他;〖同〗favour,aid,assist;

(3)为……提供证据,证实(provide evidence for the truth of (a theorystatementclaimetc))[T+n]:These results (discoveries)~ed his theory/his original idea. 这些结果(发现)为他的理论/最初的想法提供了证据。The evidence~ed her statement. 这一证据证实了她的陈述。How does he~the theory? 他如何来证明此理论?〖同〗verify;

(4)供(赡)养,负担费用(supply (a person) with the means of living)[T+n]:~one's family/two poor children养家/负担两个穷孩子的生活费用;have a wife and four children to~要养活妻子和四个孩子;can't~one's family on such a small salary 以如此少的薪水难以养家𫘯口;〖同〗maintain,keep,provide for;

(5)维持生命 (provide food and water to keep sb/sth alive)[T+n]:Air,food and drink are necessary to~life. 空气,食物和水是维持生命不可缺少的。The barren desert can't~many creatures. 贫瘠的沙漠使很多生灵无法生存。

→sup′portable adj 可承受的;供养起的;可忍受的;sup′porter n 支持者;sup′porting adj(电影,剧中)次要的;sup′portive adj 支持的,帮助的,同情的;

n (1)支撑(承)物(sth that bears the weight of sth else)[C]:the~s of a bridge/the floors 桥墩/地板的支座;the main~of a building 大楼的主要支撑物;The neck is the~of the head.脖颈是头部的支柱。One of the roof~s is cracked. 支撑屋顶的一根柱子裂了。〖同〗post,supporter,pillar,column;

(2)支持;供养;维持(act of supporting or state of being supported)[U][N (for)]:because of lack of~因为缺乏支持;rely on sb's~in an election 在选举中依靠某人的支持;need/ask for sb's financial~需要/请求某人的经济资助;give sb a little moral~给予某人一些道义上的支持;provide emotional~for children 给予孩子们感情上的支持;His job is the family's only means of~.他的工作是这个家庭唯一的经济来源。〖同〗backing,defence,aid,help,assistance;

(3)给予支持(帮助,同情)的人(person who gives helpmoneysympathyetc)[C]:be a great~to sb 是某人重要的支柱;the family's only~唯一养家𫘯口的人;the sole~of one's old mother 年迈母亲的唯一赡养者;

(4)(球队,政党等的)支持(捧场)者(people who are loyal to a teampartyetc by coming to meetingsmatchesetc regularly)[U]:Our team/theatre gets a lot of~. 我们队/剧场有很多捧场者。

in support(军队)后(予)备的:They have twelve people to do the cooking,with several more in~. 他们有12个人做饭,另外几个人随时准备帮忙。

in support of sb/sth 支持,拥护:He spoke in~of the plan. 他发言支持这项计划。





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