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单词 装腔作势

装腔作势拿腔作势zhuāng qiāng zuò shì

assume airs of importance; attitudinize; be affected or pretentious; be full of affectations; be full of prumes and prism; give oneself airs; make grand(/threatening)gestures; make pretense of dignity;mince; be niminy-piminy; ostentatious(ly); perk oneself up; perky; playact; posture and pose; be pretentious; prink; put on an act; put on frills(/lugs/airs); put up a front; self-dramatizing; be showy; strike a pose with a great show of(importance)
❍ 他看着马秉仁那种~、狂妄自大、色厉内荏的丑恶姿态,从心底里感到厌恶,不由得轻蔑地冷笑起来。(杨植霖《王若飞在狱中》23) Ma acted,bragged and maintained a stern appearance but he was weak within. Wang was so nauseated by his behaviors,he could not help laughing contemptuously.
❍ 好象唱戏一样,有些演员演反派人物很象,演正派人物老是不大象,~,不大自然。(《毛泽东选集》Ⅴ—435) As on the stage,some actors are very lifelike in negative roles but never so lifelike in positive roles,in which they are affected and unnatural.
❍ 余新江望着眼前这个横蛮无理、惯于~的敌人,气愤地握紧了拳头,……(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》245) Yu Xinjiang glared at this arrogant,blustering enemy agent and clenched his fist.
❍ 伪军官们一个个瞪了大眼睛,不知道这位~的顾问先生,又要从他的葫芦里卖出什么药来。(杨佩瑾《剑》103) The puppet officers opened their eyes wide as Lkeiss spoke. They puzzled at the adviser′s histrionics.
❍ 其实他也只是~罢了,…… (草明《原动力》4) But as a matter of fact all he ever did was to make threatening gestures./“他演得顶坏!”剑平冲口说,“~,十足是个‘言论小生’,叫人怪难受的。”( 高云览《小城春秋》13)“His acting was awful!” Jianping burst out.“Posturing and posing every minute—it made me squirm!”/我想,我眼见她慢慢倒地,怎么会摔坏呢; ~罢了,这真可憎恶。(《鲁迅选集》上—32) I had seen how slowly she fell,and was sure she could not be hurt. She must be pretending,which was disgust ing./“这么不好的花衣,以后不要买他家的。现在厂里存的黄花衣多不多?”徐总经理知道上次进的五百担黄花衣已经用的差不多了,他有意装腔做势问一声,“要是多的话,退回去。”(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—268) “If the cotton is as bad as all that,don’t buy any more from them.Have we got very large stocks of it in the mill at the moment?’ asked Xu Yide,still putting on an act,though he knew full well that almost all the last five-hundred-tan batch of yellowish cotton had been used up. “If we’ve a lot left send it back.”/这个善于~、用虚假的外形以掩饰内心活动的将军,丑恶的原形终于暴露出来,堕入在慌乱的泥沼里。(吴强《红日》515) This general who was so skilful at putting up a front and masking the inner workings of his mind beneath a sham exterior had finally had his real nature exposed in all its loathsomeness and had fallen into the slough of panic.
❍ 我们应该老老实实地办事,对事物有分析,写文章有说服力,不要靠~来吓人。(《毛泽东选集》Ⅴ—413)We should do our work honestly,take an analyticalapproach,write convincingly and never strike a pose to overawe people/ “不能喝了,我脸都红了。” 江菊霞~地有意轻轻摸一摸自己的腮巴子。(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—243) “I couldn’t drink any more,my face is quite flushed.” Jiang Juxia stroked her cheek with a show of coyness.


be affected or pretentious; strike an attitude;put on airs
~,故弄玄虚strike grand poses and play juggling tricks

装腔作势zhuānɡ qiānɡ zuò shì

故意装出一种腔调,故意做出一种姿势。形容行为或语言很做作。strike a pose, put on airs, play at, put it on, give one’s airs, put up a front, strike an attitude, airs and graces





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