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单词 装神弄鬼

装神弄鬼zhuāng shén nòng guǐ

be involved in necromancy; claim one is able to communicate with(/to receive messages from)gods and spirits: play games; try to fool sb
❍ 到了三十多岁,就整天~,算命相面,谁家出表、生病、送鬼、招魂都少不了她。(黎汝清《海岛女民兵》69) By the time she was in her thirtiesshe was notorious for always pririking and painting herself and being deeply involved in necromancy,fortune-telling and such trash.
❍ 背着我~?你们不说,我也猜到了。(宗福先《于无声处》54) Don’t play games behind my back. Well,no need to say anything. I think I can guess.
❍ 有一次,我就听人讲过一个巫神的故事,说是有一个女巫,天天在大树下~,骗人钱财。(杨植霖 《王若飞在狱中》 47) Once,somebody told me a story about a witch. He said that there was a witch who sat under a tree every day to cheat people out of their money by claiming she was able to communicate with gods and spirits.
❍ 那些皇帝、贵人,口口声声说有神,和这个女巫~实际上是一样的。(杨植霖《王若飞在狱中》47) People like emperors and men in high positions who keep talking about the gods are no different from the witch who claimed she was able to receive messages from gods and spirits.
❍ 你们别和我~的,什么事我不知道! (《红楼梦》453) Don’t try to fool me. I know all about it.


❶disguise oneself as a ghost or deity(to deceive people)
❷be deliberately mystifying;cast a mist before sb’s eyes





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