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单词 supply
supply/sǝ′plaɪ/ vt [-yies/z/,-yied,-yied/d/]; n [-yies/z/]

vt (1)供应(给),提供(give or provide sth that is wanted or needed)[T+nT+n+prep (to/with)]:~champagne/books 提供香槟酒/图书;~what sb wants 提供某人所需要的东西;Trees~shade in summer. 夏天,树能提供树阴。~free books to schools/two pairs of boots to each soldiers 向学校免费提供图书/为每位士兵提供两双靴子;~sb with meat/milk/gas/electricity向某人提供肉/牛奶/煤气/电力;Who is~ing the rebels with guns and ammunition? 谁在向反叛者提供枪支弹药? We are well~ied with goods. 我们的货源充足。〖同〗provide,furnish,equip,present,give,deliver,grant;

(2)满足(需要)(provide enough to satisfy (a need))[T+n]:~a need/people's cheap energy requirements 满足需要/人们对廉价能源的需求;

n (1) 供应(给)(act or process of supplying)[U]a daily~of food 每日的食品供应;The water/electricity~here is good. 这儿的水/电供应充足。the~of raw materials to manufacturers 对制造商的原材料供应;a~train运送补给品的火车;cut the~lines 切断供应线;〖同〗providing,furnishing;

(2)供应(给)品,现(存)货(thing that is supplied;stock or store)[C,常pl]:have a large/good~ies of food in the house 住宅里存有大量的食品;receive new~ies of shoes/food/fuel/arms 收到鞋/食品/燃料/武器的新货供应;enough~ies of coal 充足的燃煤供应;be responsible for the expedition's~ies 负责探险物资的供应;look after the school's~ies of books and writing materials 负责学校图书和书写材料的供应;Our~of chocolate is low. 我们的巧克力存货少。〖同〗equipment,goods,material,items;

supply and demand 供应与需求;供求(关系):Export quotas should be changed in the light of~and demand. 出口配额应根据供求关系情况而变化。

be in short supply 供应不足:Cabbages are in short~. 卷心菜供应不足。





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