单词 | join |
释义 | join /6zIin; clzIin/ vt, vi 1 [VP6A, 14, 15A, B] ~ sth to sth; ~ things together/up. put together; unite; connect (two points, things) with a line, rope, bridge, etc: 连结; 结合; 联合: ~ one thing to another; 将一物与另一物连接起来; ~ two things together; 将二物连接在一起; ~ the pieces together; 将片段接合急来; ~ on island to the mainland (with a bridge); (以桥梁)将一鸟与大陆连接; ~ two persons in marriage, make them man'and wife. 使二人结为夫妻。 Where does this stream ~ the Danube? 这条河在何处与多瑙河会合? ~ battle. begin fighting. 交战。 ~ hands, clasp each other's hands; (fig) combine in an enterprise, etc. 握手; (喻)携手共事。 ~ forces (with...), unite in action; Work together. (M- -) 联合行动; 合作。 2 [VP2A, C] come together; unite: 交会; 连合; 相连: Parallel lines are, by definition, lines that never ~. 按照定义,平行线即永不相交的线。 Which two rivers - at Lyons? 那两条河在里昂相会合? 3 [VP6A] become a member of: 参加; 加大: ~ the army/a club. 从军(加入会社)。 [VP2C] join up. (colioq) join the army. (俗)从军。 4 [VP6A, 15A, 3A] ~ (sb) in sth, come into the company of; associate with (sb in sth): 与…在一起; 伴随(某人做某事): I'll ~ you in a few minutes. 我过几分钟将和你们会合。 Will you ~ us in a walk, come with us? 你愿意和我厨一块去散步吗? Why doesn't Tom ~ in the conversation, Why is he silent? 汤姆为什么不讲话? May I ~ in (the game)? 我可以参加(这游戏) 吗? n place or line where two things are ~ed: 相交点; 连接处: The two pieces were put together so cleverly that the ~ could not be seen. 这两块接合 . 得很巧妙,故而看不出相接之处。 |
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