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❶ (用刀、剪等把片状物分成若干部分) cut (paper,cloth,etc.) into parts: 我们用剪刀 ~ 纸和布。 We cut paper and cloth with scissors. 这块料子可以 ~ 两套衣服。 Two suits can be cut out of this piece of material.
❷ (把不用的或多余的去掉;削减) reduce;cut down [back];dismiss: ~ 减人员 reduce [cut down] the staff
❸ (衡量;判断) judge;discern;decide: ~ 夺 consider and decide Ⅱ ❶ (安排取舍,多用于文学艺术) mental planning: 别出心 ~ adopt an original approach;try to be different
❷ (控制;抑止) check;sanction: 经济制 ~ economic sanction
❸ (格式) form: 体 ~ types or forms of literature Ⅲ (整张纸分成的相等的若干份;开) division of standard size printing paper: 八 ~ octavo
◆裁兵 [旧] disarmament;
裁并 cut down and merge (organizations);
裁撤 dissolve (an organization);
裁尺 tailor's measure;
裁处 make arrangement after due consideration;make a decision after consideration and then deal with;
裁刀 {刷} cut-off knife;
裁定 {律} ruling;holding;adjudication;judge;rule;
裁断[夺] (斟酌决定) consider and decide;decision;
裁缝 tailor;dressmaker;Tom Tailor;
裁减 reduce;cut down;
裁剪 (剪裁) cut (paper,cloth) into certain shape;tailor;(修剪;取舍) trim (trees);cut and give form (to books,essays,etc.);line through;delete;cut out;
裁决 make a ruling;judge;decide;rule;adjudicate verdict;arbitration; award;ruling;adjudication;
裁军 disarmament;
裁判 {律} (判决和裁定) judgment;{体} (评判) act as referee; referee;{体} (裁判员) judge (指运动会或竞赛);umpire (排球、乒乓球、羽毛球、网球、棒球);referee (篮球、足球、拳击);裁衣 cut cloth for making dress;
裁员 cut down the number of persons employed;reduce the staff;
裁纸刀 paper knife;paper cutter;
裁纸机 (paper) trimmer;paper cutter;
裁制 tailor





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