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单词 superior
superior/su:′pɪ ǝriǝ(r), sju:′-, AmE su:′pɪr-/ adj & n

adj (1)优秀(良,等)的(good or high in quality or value)[无comp]:a~product/car 优质的产品/汽车;~cloth/wine 上等布/酒; a~standard高水平;a~actor/technician 优秀的演员/技工;It is made of~leather. 它是优质皮革制成的。a man of~intelligence 智商高的人;have a~mind 具有超人的头脑;〖同〗excellent,exceptional,fine,distinguished;〖反〗inferior,ordinary,average,common;

(2)优(强,好)于(better or higher in quality or value)[A (to)]:consider Browning~to Tennyson as a poet 认为作为诗人布朗宁比丁尼生优秀;A brush is~to a cloth for cleaning the floor. 洗刷地板用刷子比用布更好。This carpet is far~(to that one) in quality. 这块地毯的质量(比那块地毯强得多)。Her knowledge of French literature is~to mine. 她对法国文学的了解比我多。be~in numbers 数量占优;Which of the two players/methods is~? 这两位运动员哪个更优秀/这两种方法哪种更好?〖同〗greater,better,more advanced;〖反〗inferior;

(3)较高职(地)位的,较高级的(of higher classposition or rank)[A (to)][作attrib]:a~court 高一级法院;the~classes 上层阶级;keep the proper~-subordinate relationship 保持恰如其分的上下级关系;obey one's~officers 服从上级军官;work well with those~to one in the company 在公司同上司们共事很融洽;

(4)高傲的,傲慢的,有优越感的(showing that one thinks oneself betterclevereretc than other people)(derog):look at sb with a~smile/air 带着傲慢的笑容/神情看着某人;smile in a~manner 傲慢的微笑;Don't be/feel so~! 别这么高傲/自以为了不起!〖同〗lordly,high-and-mighty;

(5)上方(部)的,位于高处的(situated over or above)[无comp][通常作attrib](fml):the~limbs 上肢;move one's camp to~ground 把营地移到较高的地方;a~stratum of rock 上层岩石;

(6)不为……所动的;不受……影响的(indifferent to or unaffected by)[作attrib][A(to)]:be~to temptation/bribery 不受引诱/不为贿赂所动;He was~to all their threats. 他不屈服于他们的威胁。

n (1)级别(地位)高的人,上级(司)(person who is higher in rank or position than another or others)[C]:A major is a captain's~. 少校是上尉的上司。don't take liberties with your~s 对你的上级不要放肆随便;obey one's~s 服从上级;〖同〗senior,boss,chief,leader,commander;〖反〗inferior,employee;

(2)较好的人(事物)(person or thing that is better)[C]:consider sb (to be) one's~in intelligence/natural talent 认为某人的智力/天资优于自己;As a violin player/In the game of football,he has no~. 作为小提琴手/在足球运动方面,没有人能超过他。be sb's social~比某人社会地位高;

→superi′ority n 优秀(良,越)





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