释义 |
衷心heartfelt;wholehearted;cordial;hearty;from the bottom of one’s heart ~希望各国人民自由、平等、和谐、幸福地生活在同一个蓝天之下,共享人类和平与发展的成果。We sincerely hope that people of all nations can live a peaceful life of freedom,equality,harmony and happiness under the same blue sky./表示~感谢thank sb from the bottom of one’s heart;express one’s heart felt gratitude to;express one’s hearty thanks to/表示~的祝贺extend cordial greetings (or hearty congratulations)to/受到人民群众的~爱戴be deeply loved and respected by the people/~拥护give wholehearted (or heartfelt) support |