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单词 suggestion
suggestion/sǝ′dʒest⨜ ən, AmE səɡ′-/ n

(1)提(建)议(act of suggesting)[U]:Force won't work;try~and persuasion. 强迫无济于事,通过提建议和劝导试试看。one's~of a scheme/a swim 某人对方案/去游泳的建议;act at/on sb's~按照某人的建议行事;〖同〗prompting,urging,recommendation;

(2)提议(建议,暗示)的内容(sth that is suggestedesp ideaproposalplanetc)[C]:make/offer a~提出建议;carry out/adopt/follow/reject sb's~落实/采纳/遵照/拒绝某人的建议;His~is unworkable. 他的建议不切实际。Any more~s for the concert? 关于音乐会还有什么建议吗? There is no~that Robert should resign. 没有迹象表明罗伯特会辞职。〖同〗advice;

(3)微量,细微的迹象,略含(slight sign;trace;touch)[C,通常sing]:There was a~of anger/impatience/boredom in her voice (tone). 她话音(口气)中带有一丝愤怒/焦虑/厌烦。no~of provincial accent in sb's speech 某人讲话中不带地方口音;speak English with just a~of a foreign accent 讲英语时带一点外国口音;〖同〗shade,hint,trace,touch,dash;

(4)暗示,联想(putting picturesideasetc into sb's mindnot directly but by association with sth else)[U]:hypnotic~催眠暗示;An advertisement showing a beautiful girl using a particular shampoo is using~to persuade us to buy it. 广告上一位漂亮女郎正使用一种特别的香波,这是利用暗示劝我们去买这种香波。

←sug′gest v;

【辨异】 suggestionadvice counselproposalrecommendation的区别见ADVICE。





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